- Date posted
- 1y ago
Shower blues
Had a shower this morning, and while I was drying off I had one of those muscle spasms that I get a lot, the ones where brain goes, "omg did we just pee?", the ones where... nothing ever happened. Always dry, and I do check, probably too much. I told myself, "no, it's fine," and continued. Patted down that area with the towel a few times, smelling in between. The first couple times, nothing, just towel smell. The third time was different, not necessarily pee smell, but brain is confused. So now I am afraid I am contaminated all over my body with "pee germs," or "pee," and I am afraid to leave my bed lest I contaminate the house too. I don't really think I leaked anything after my shower, but the fear is real... and potential shame of "knowing" those kinds of germs will be on furniture, my mother, and potential guests... and that I was just too lazy/scuzzy/etc to shower again. I am getting so tired of this. The thing is I don't genuinely know if there's a problem so I don't know what action to take. If I shower again, the next time I have those spasms while drying off--which will probably happen the very next shower--it will start this cycle again. Not to mention "is the towel contaminated..." This happened last night too but I moved on, thinking "I'm dry and wearing clothes, it's fine. It was probably just water." I lysol'd the downstairs/my couch (avoided sitting on the "main" couch, which belongs to mom) and other stuff when I got home from work last night, so now brain thinks it's legit... I feel like I should just bite the bullet and not shower. But I'm scared and TOO OLD FOR THIS NONSENSE.