- Date posted
- 1y ago
I can’t stop crying
I can’t stop crying because of my thoughts and feelings. I can’t even sleep in peace. I need help but I really don’t feel comfortable telling anyone my thoughts even my therapist
I can’t stop crying because of my thoughts and feelings. I can’t even sleep in peace. I need help but I really don’t feel comfortable telling anyone my thoughts even my therapist
same^^ I get feeling like the thoughts are kinda weird or make you feel crazy. One thing about OCD is that all of these thoughts (no matter how original they feel) are unoriginal. I have had scary and weird thoughts but my therapist never judged me because she gets it and all of the NOCD therapist do too. If you’re at that low of a point , it’s best to seek help
Hi honey. I just want to say I have felt the same way. I'm sure many people with thoughts and feelings that are uncomfortable have felt that too. Scared and uncomfortable to tell someone. Therapists have heard so so many types of issues that whatever yours is will not phase them. They have heard so much. Ocd specialists are trained for all kinds of things people think and feel. It's okay. And you're gonna be okay. Don't be scared to tell a therapist sweetheart. It's gonna work out for you. Just breathe. And this whole platform of people are supportive and helpful. Many thinking the same types of things. I'm praying for you right now. I hope a wave of comfort and peace come over your heart and mind. Big hugs from me to you. Everything is gonna be just fine honey. ✨️ ❤️ 🦋 🙏 ✨️
Talking to a NOCD therapist really helped me, I recommend it because they help you with ERP Therapy too!
I know where you're coming from. I used to think thus wasn't something a therapist was able to help with. Years went by and finally about 3 years ago I looked for help because it was effecting real badly my marriage kids and family above all myself. I git diagnosed with ocd and after receiving help and knowledge about ocd, I feel way better. I can breath, sleep and enjoy life with ny family! These NOCD therapist truly want to help you won't regret it.
The NOCD therapists have heard it all. The thoughts you are having are not you… therapy shows you that and then how to treat the intrusive thoughts. Don’t be afraid of therapy… it will help you tremendously.💝
I’m having a bad episode right now and I’m feeling so depressed and I’m crying like a baby because I’m thinking that if my mom knew the reasons I’m like this she would hate me and what would I ever do without my mom. I’m feeling so alone. I just need my mom but I know I can’t open up to her. Like even if I’m this horrible person my mom would despise me too? I can’t handle that someone please help.
I struggle with self harm and depression. I told my doctor a week ago that I have suicidal thoughts and she put me on an anxiety/depression med and she said it could make things better or worse. I have noticed I barely eat anything anymore and I started to self harm more. I go through my day struggling and I’ve lost my friends and I stay in my room 24/7. I don’t feel like doing anything anymore. People say “oh it’ll get better” or “you’ll overcome it” or “don’t worry it’ll be okay” but guess what it’s not true. I feel like no one gets me or no one will listen to me. No one understands the pain I go through every second of the day trying my hardest to put on a fake smile. I can’t do it anymore. I want it to stop.
I’m having a very bad evening with my intrusive thoughts. I was doing really good dealing with them but tonight one hit me hard. I’ve been having a lot of different intrusive thoughts but I’ll have one occasionally about hurting my mom or my dog who I love and they’re the only family I have in my life. They’re my world. I was helping my mom put away the dishes and I had the big kitchen knife in my hand and my intrusive thought was you could stab your mom. And then my brain said I had a twitch in my hand and that meant I wanted to do it. Let me just say that I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I actually caught a fly in a glass and put it outside instead of killing it this evening before this intrusive thought happened. I’m such a gentle and compassionate and caring person and these thoughts instantly cause me to have a panic attack. And I have no one to talk to them about. I know they’re hard for my mom to hear and I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am. I do desperately want to tell her and have her reassure me that I’m not crazy or a psycho. Then my thoughts wander to if your hand did flinch could you be a psychopath. Is hurting someone in you. I know it’s not but I feel like my mind is out to get me and hurt me. I’m working so hard and I thought I was doing so good but I need to know why I have these thoughts. They’re not ok. I need someone to help me make sense of why. I know we aren’t supposed to ruminate but I shouldn’t have thoughts like this about people I love and care about the most in the world.
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