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- 5y ago
How do I make them aware that I have OCD without going into too much detail? (I’m from uk btw) x
Instead of giving them specific thoughts try to tell them how the thoughts make you feel and convey the level of discomfort you are experiencing
Amazing, thanks so much guys. Would you say it’s a good idea to go to the GP about it? I have been paying so much money for therapy and it hasn’t done anything yet :( have your doctors given you a lot of support?
Thank you! :) I had a look and there’s none in my area :( I’d have to travel to the nearest city which I could try I suppose!
You don’t necessarily need to get into the details. Mine wasn’t really familiar with OCD in general. But instead she sent me a link to IAPT where you can get a referral to an OCD specialist. I’m still waiting for mine but then again I was told it can take weeks so it’s pretty normal.
I’m in the UK as well. I mentioned I have had violent and sexual intrusive thoughts and that I do compulsions to ease the anxiety. And although I was seeking reassurance there, when I asked my GP if she thought it sounded like OCD she told me it was very probable. And from there she told me where I could find an OCD specialist
I think you should cause maybe they can refer you to a psychiatrist and maybe a more suitable therapist.
My GP has been quite supportive and understanding of what I’m going through. She didn’t see me as insane or a monster, even though that’s what my brain was telling me. She’s been keeping in touch with me whilst I’m waiting to meet an OCD specialist.
How long have you been waiting to see someone? Did they refer you to a specialist or to a more general psychotherapist? And did they offer you medication?
I was offered medication but I held off on it. I’m a bit afraid of the side effects I may get but your GP will definitely suggest it if you feel like you need it. As for the referral, there’s a website called IAPT where you can refer to an OCD specialist. It takes about 6-8 weeks though to hear back from them. They send a survey during that time to keep track of your mental state. It’s been about two weeks now for me, so it’ll be a couple more till I hear back from them. In the meantime I’m attending an OCD support group, which my GP highly encouraged.
That’s interesting and helpful thank you! Is the support group useful? What is your ‘subtype’ of OCD if you don’t mind me asking?
I have POCD. Used to have Harm OCD as well. I actually haven’t attended the support group yet, as the meeting is this Thursday. From what I’ve been told, they can be really great in just finding people who suffer from the same thing and not feel as lonely. Every once in a while they also bring actual OCD specialists to give helpful techniques. Since you live in the UK, you can always check out the website OCD Action where you can find support groups near you if you’re interested.
No problem! It still might be worthwhile checking either way. :D
I’m tired guys. I’m tired of thinking something is always wrong with my health, tired of letting random symptoms/ sensations take over my brain and make me think something is horribly wrong. Tired of thinking I need to go to the doctors to get X & Y looked at. I’m tired of always assuming worst case scenario. I’m tired of constantly thinking if something is unethical/ immoral if I don’t do something, tired of always thinking I’m offending a religious higher being, tired of thinking I’m a bad/ disgusting person for my thoughts. I’ve had OCD ruin so many things for me that should have been fun. It’s ruined intercourse/ intimacy because of religious thoughts, or I keep thinking about STDs/ infections. I’ve been having panic attacks lately, something I’ve never experienced, because of life changes and it’s all gotten in the way of my structured life and it’s been very uncomfortable. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in danger, or nothing is real. Right now I’m fearing the most that I’m losing my mind, who I am, and I’m just so scared of my mental health getting worse and going manic or developing a dangerous mental illness. My mental health has NEVER been this bad. This is all new and it’s so scary. I was just fine a few months ago, sure I was dealing with other OCD stuff, the intrusive thoughts, the fears, the repetitive actions just to make sure something is the way I want it/ brings me comfort. But ever since my structure was changed/ ruined, it’s all been downhill. I just finished an EMT program, and that messed with me. Saw/ experienced things I’ve never done before and man, it’s really messed with me. Working on getting a new job in healthcare but still don’t have insurance so getting a new OCD specialized therapist has been difficult. Can someone relate just so I don’t feel like I’m crazy?..
My ocd convinces me that no one else has the ocd thoughts I have. I am newly PP and had an intrusive thought about my baby that sent me into the worst panic attack imaginable. I went to OBGYN and she said “but you aren’t having thoughts about harming yourself or the baby right?” I had to lie. I obviously didn’t want the thought, it’s my biggest fear. But how can we be honest with our doctors without being locked away. I had visions of them taking my child from me or me being locked away and now I’m just spiraling. I went down the rabbit hole for sure. How do we know what intrusive thoughts we can tell our doctor/therapist??? If I can’t share what’s going on in my head, then how am I supposed to know that I am not alone 😭. I want to find a therapist on here to work with but my ocd convinces me that no one else has struggled with what I have for some reason or that my ocd is “different” and I’ll be reported. This is miserable. Can anyone else relate? It’s like it convinces you that you are the “worst case” & what If it’s not even ocd. This has kept me from getting the therapy I know I need. Hope someone can give me some insight…
I dont know if I have ocd really but I think I do because I have the intrusive thoughts and I always try and do things to soothe the anxiety. I've been dealing with this for a few months and this is a debilitating cycle and I wish I wad normal. when I first spoke to my therapist about it, she said that people with ocd like to clean and count a certain amount of tiles and stuff like that. I really want to get tested because I want help but im scared that if they say I don't have ocd then that means my intrusive thoughts are true and that I'm the person that my mind makes me think I am and it scares me. I mostly deal with symptoms of pocd so I try my best to avoid kids and sometimes I won't even want to go in public because of it and I count in my head a lot and try and see if my body is reacting any kind of way. I also try and just push the thoughts a way and do research and sometimes it makes me feel better but in reality it's just a cycle and it's terrifying so can someone please comfort me or give me advice and tips to help me feel better because I really need it. I just want to get help and stop this cycle because it's slowly killing me. I don't want to be the person my head thinks I am but in my head it's just constant fear anxiety and uncertainty.
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