- Date posted
- 1y ago
What I noticed
I watched a podcast about ocd and values, and i learned there how ocd attack your values... i said here alot of times that its hard for me to understand what to do cause ocd makes it so confusing. Like for an exemple today i didnt do much for streghtening my relationship with God, so next time i should do something to not lose this connection, and all of the sudden my ocd made it like "i have to pray or listen something christian related cause if i dont do i lose the relationship" so it became something I "must" do. So before i saw this like maybe im just wanting this relationship because of ocd, because im afraid, and then i felt wrong that for erp i have to stop trying to connect with God, so i stopped doing what i wanted to do and I felt really bad... But after i learned this from that podcast now I see that ocd is even more confusing. It can make you feel like the things you want to do you do it cause of ocd...