- Date posted
- 1y ago
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Hi all, I am curious what others experiences are with marijuana usage. I feel like marijuana exacerbates my OCD and provokes really visual intrusive thoughts. I am wondering if others can relate?
Hi all, I am curious what others experiences are with marijuana usage. I feel like marijuana exacerbates my OCD and provokes really visual intrusive thoughts. I am wondering if others can relate?
Oh yeah I can’t do it! Even if there aren’t images it literally brings similar sensations as anxiety.
I can’t smoke weed because it makes me paranoid and also I think it makes my intrusive thoughts worse and my anxiety bad.
If I do it at all, it’s like a literal puff and I’m good. I don’t do more than that. I feel the effects really easily, so one is good enough for me and its little enough so that I don’t get anxiety from it. In high quantities it most definitely makes it worse.
Definitely not recommended since weed makes most people more paranoid.
I’m a 23 year old student and have been smoking for a few years daily, it’s never really affected any of my symptoms tbh however I do take citalopram (celexa) which probably helps, however if it’s making your ocd symptoms worse I’d give it a rest and let your brain level itself out, because if you keep having these experiences while smoking the more it’ll cause future anxiety. I’d say chill out for a while and let it be and then when things are getting on better, ease back into it and hopefully you’ll feel better for it
@Eire2000 Also After 2 years of being nearly symptom free, I went into a really really bad relapse due to my medication being adjusted, and at the moment I’m off smoking, I’m not certain I’d enjoy it at the minute with how things are but as I said above, taking my own advice and letting it be for a while until my head levels out
@Eire2000 And sorry one last thing but also I do have some crazy shit come into my head when I’m smoking but I always just try distract myself and watch some stupid af videos or something lol
Thank you all!
I tried it twice. The first time was an edible gummy and it was a very little dosage to the point where I was slightly high but not super high and I was with my best friend who didn’t get high and it was fine. The second time tho it was a brownie edible and i took wayyy more than I should have and it hit really really bad and I was super paranoid so I’m too scared to try anything ever again especially since now, my OCD is worse
Does anyone else have the strong urge to do some sort of drugs sometimes when there ocd gets really bad or over nothing in general, like I’ll just be sitting doing nothing and my brain goes “you need to do cocaine right now or else” and I get a urge and it’s so like odd to me??? I’ve never done drugs in my life and never plan to because my father was a addict and I’ve seen what they’ve done to people so it scares me when I get these thoughts and then I get the urge to reach out to someone who can give me drugs and I play this whole scenario in my mind where I contact someone and I meet up with them and pay them for the drugs and then I take them and die and it’s like??? Idk I’ve had weird intrusive thoughts involving drugs before but this is like different if that makes sense, I also can’t stop focusing on how my body feels when this happens like it’ll feel like I was a previous addict and that I’m going through withdrawal and need something or else and it’s just so weird to me. Anyone else go through this?
Hi everyone, I wanted to reach out to see if anyone else has experienced something similar with OCD and intrusive thoughts. I’ve been struggling during moments of intimacy because intrusive thoughts, particularly ones related to POCD, feel so ‘sticky’—like they’re all I can picture. Even though I really want the thoughts to go away, they persist, and I’ve been trying not to avoid intimacy because of them. However, that makes me feel like I’m somehow ‘enjoying’ the thoughts or images, which I really dislike. It’s like my brain is playing this awful trick, and it’s leaving me feeling confused and gross. I guess I’m supposed to not let the thoughts bother me and continue as if nothing’s wrong, but I’m scared that by doing so, I’m almost training myself to get off to them or something. This fear makes it so hard to trust myself in those moments, and it’s been overwhelming. If anyone else has been through this, how do you handle it?
Hey friends, I hope you all are well. I just wanted to check in and ask people's experiences about being on medication. I have had OCD pretty much my whole life, just got recently diagnosed 4 months ago and my therapist recommended that I get on meds for it so I have a psychiatrist appointment set up. I'm a little apprehensive about getting on them, but I've realized that I do have some sort of chemical imbalance in my brain that plays a part in my OCD and anxiety. I would love to hear anyones experiences or words of encouragement. Thank you, I hope you all are well.
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