- Date posted
- 1y ago
Discouraged and tired of fighting
I just need to vent. I feel so bad I want to cry but I’m at work. Yesterday I got triggered at work and left half way through the day, went home, and ruminated for five hours alone. I cried in the bathroom for an hour. I’m so tired of getting triggered a thousand times a day. I’m tired of making the same mistakes. I’m tired of resisting the ocd. I’m tired of living. I’m tired of watching my children age and neglecting them and my wife so I can hide in the bathroom and think about the same “real event” from ten years ago. I’ve wasted ten years of my life on this. Ten years. And what do I have to show for it? Nothing but thousands of hours with my family that I’ll never get back. But does that mean I see the futility of ruminating? Does that mean I won’t waste another hour thinking about this event? Nope. Part of me still feels the pull. Ocd is so like a terrible addiction. I keep doing the thing I don’t want to do. I’m in therapy with a great ocd specialist. I’m on medication. I’ve read tons of books. I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. Watched hours of lectures on ocd. Spent two months at an ocd treatment facility. I know what I need to do. Am I so weak that I can’t do it? Am I just pitying myself? Am I just scared to get better? What’s wrong with me? I just want to curl into a ball and ruminate all day everyday. At the same time that sounds literally like hell. God have mercy.