- Username
- JamesMY
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Tired of caring?
Anyone here get tired of feeling hyper responsible and having to care about everything?
Anyone here get tired of feeling hyper responsible and having to care about everything?
for sure. my ocd got so intrusive that i started to resent love ones around me for doing normal things because they were triggers for me. rn i’m in recovery after spending 3 years locked in my room tortured by my thoughts, and now that my ocd has subsided, I just don’t have motivation to use my brain much. Fatigue from the obsessive stress of OCD can be rlly damaging. OCD truly causes trauma and therefore creates trauma responses.
Everything triggers me and it sucks. I am my dad's caregiver now and that sucks because my harm OCD has always been about my parents. So I am dealing with the resentment thing big time and often I feel trapped with only one way out.
@JamesMY I really empathize with what your going thru and understand how suffocating and complicated ocd can be. knowing these thoughts are due to ocd is a huge first step, though! i know it can seem inescapable and suffocating, but ocd is very treatable. Please look into DBT and CBT methods online. Here are some links that can hopefully help. https://psychcentral.com/ocd/ocd-cycle https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-guide/ocd-treatment-overview/cbt/adults
I get angry at getting up and having to worry about other people's problems .
@JamesMY - Yes, I get angry at how ocd makes us feel responsible for every single thing, and I even feel bad saying that now because my ocd is saying I am responsible
@peachtea_ - Well I just feel like I have to worry about everything and be on alert. I don't feel like I have any feelings I just worry.
@JamesMY - yeah i get this too, it's the worst feeling inside- you are not alone :)
i'm so so sorry to hear this is something you are going though:( it sounds really tricky but you are not alone in this fight <3 there is a discord server that's designed for ocd support! i've been apart of it for about 4 months now & absolutely love the community. here's the link if you are interested in joining:) sending love & support your way! stay strong my friend! https://discord.gg/mQxyBmGwhU
anyone else feel like theyve made too many mistakes in their short time being alive, to the point you just feel like *you* are the mistake? i sit and obsess all the time about the mistakes ive made growing up (im only 20, suffered with ocd since i was 15). i just feel like i used to always make these mistakes and i know most of them came from ignorance as a child but it makes me question everything about myself. it often makes me feel suicidal, that the world is better off without me. i come on here to try and make people feel better and offer support and advice when in reality, i have no grasp on my own ocd. i sit and obsess 24/7, i struggle with mindfulness, and my head is the worst place to live. its just the idea that my mistakes have impacted people, any lies i came up with, how thats impacted people (its probably not even a lot but the possibility is terrifying). ever since i was diagnosed, i have a thing for responsibility, i take on so much of it, and punish myself excessively. im very tired of fighting with myself. im tired of obsessing and doing compulsions to stop the anxiety. i just want it to stop.
Does anybody else get really tired, like I mean to the point we're you sometimes just don't care. I feel like that right now and it's scaring me. I don't have motivation to pray or do anything. I'm worried that all along it was me and it finally came out and now I'm done for. I still get anxious when I feel the thoughts coming but I just don't have motivation to fight them. Or to pray afterwards. Idk if any of y'all have this happen but I would love to know.
I’m tired guys. I’m tired of thinking something is always wrong with my health, tired of letting random symptoms/ sensations take over my brain and make me think something is horribly wrong. Tired of thinking I need to go to the doctors to get X & Y looked at. I’m tired of always assuming worst case scenario. I’m tired of constantly thinking if something is unethical/ immoral if I don’t do something, tired of always thinking I’m offending a religious higher being, tired of thinking I’m a bad/ disgusting person for my thoughts. I’ve had OCD ruin so many things for me that should have been fun. It’s ruined intercourse/ intimacy because of religious thoughts, or I keep thinking about STDs/ infections. I’ve been having panic attacks lately, something I’ve never experienced, because of life changes and it’s all gotten in the way of my structured life and it’s been very uncomfortable. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in danger, or nothing is real. Right now I’m fearing the most that I’m losing my mind, who I am, and I’m just so scared of my mental health getting worse and going manic or developing a dangerous mental illness. My mental health has NEVER been this bad. This is all new and it’s so scary. I was just fine a few months ago, sure I was dealing with other OCD stuff, the intrusive thoughts, the fears, the repetitive actions just to make sure something is the way I want it/ brings me comfort. But ever since my structure was changed/ ruined, it’s all been downhill. I just finished an EMT program, and that messed with me. Saw/ experienced things I’ve never done before and man, it’s really messed with me. Working on getting a new job in healthcare but still don’t have insurance so getting a new OCD specialized therapist has been difficult. Can someone relate just so I don’t feel like I’m crazy?..
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