- Date posted
- 1y ago
I always wonder why I have OCD. It’s odd that I don’t have any trauma or family history (except for anxiety and depression) And im medically healthy. It confuses me.
I always wonder why I have OCD. It’s odd that I don’t have any trauma or family history (except for anxiety and depression) And im medically healthy. It confuses me.
You might have family members that have it but have never revealed it. I only knew because my mom told me my great grandmother had it.
I am reasonably healthy. I am the unicorn of the family that everyone else gets to reference on their medical history because I have narcolepsy type 2, lipedema, and now OCD. And yes, I am very confused because the rest of the family tree doesn't have any of those things.
I was told by a therapist that the reason my OCD started was a way to protect me from the pain of my mom dying. I was told that my brain was trying to protect me by distracting me with something else so I don’t acknowledge that maybe it actually hurt, but your brain doesn’t realize that the obsession it’s giving you as a distraction is worse than dealing with the pain of the original issue.
@Mitchell That’s so true. I feel like dissociation is a similar concept. It is a means of protecting you but sometimes it can freak someone out more than the original anxiety-inducing situation.
@Rumpelgoocher Your brain wants you to survive so it’ll do anything if it thinks it is protecting you
I run this through my head all the time. Why me? No one else in my family has it. I was raised by my grandparents and when I had to leave private school to go to public school I had to get all of my infant shots all at once before I could start. All in one day. I always wonder did that cause it? I got strep really bad once, did that cause it? Was it the trauma of being ripped away from my grandparents who had raised me for the first 11 years of my life to go live with my dad at 12? Was it going to church as a kid and learning stuff that contradicted what we were taught in a Jewish household? I will never know what it was. Maybe I was predisposed and just got unlucky? My brain even goes as far as thinking I was possessed or something from walking in a cemetery as a kid. I’m sorry I don’t know the answer for any of us. I ask this in therapy all the time and get told I’m seeking reassurance
I have constantly been feeling like if I hit one arm, I have to hit the other and if I set something down and it just didn’t look right or feel right I had to do it again or I had to move it to a different spot in my room I’ve had never been a clean freak, which is mainly what I get told is OCD And I don’t know if I should even have this app. I don’t know if I actually have it. I’m constantly worried that I did something in my past that harmed others and that’s why people don’t like me or I’m constantly worried People are constantly watching me and I don’t know if that’s OCD or if I have it so please tell me I will delete this app and never think of it again if I don’t I just really wanna know
I've gotten diagnosed with OCD and I'm in therapy. But I'm worried that I don't have OCD/that I got misdiagnosed. And recently I'm worried that I've just gotten myself into a habit of thinking of dirty minded or just plain old terrible things after I see/hear certain things because I feel like I need to prove I have OCD or else I'm faking(sometimes this goes away). Or that I'm just mimicking symptoms of ocd to cope with real problems I may have and that im just really deep into denial. I don't know...I'm just so tired. I mean, what if I really am what I think I am and this is my brains only way of coping? I don't even really feel anything towards most of the thoughts anymore either I just know they go against my values and I don't want them. I don't know if that's because I'm so mentally exhausted, I just don't care, or that the thoughts are true and I'm comfortable with them.
I am so angry with ocd. I hate that ocd even exists. I wouldn’t necessarily say I wanted to be a mom when I was younger. I grew up without my mom around. But now my sisters are both moms and I see them and I feel like I’m missing out. But having pocd and hocd has definitely made me feel like it’s completely out of the question. I even made sure my fiancé knew that I didn’t want children/ feel like I can’t have them for fear of hurting them or passing on mental health issues. I was abused growing up and one of my old therapists told me that “people who are abused can become abusers”. That is something that I am not willing to risk. And even though I feel set on that choice, my brain still tells me that I’m missing out. So I’m constantly questioning if I truly feel like I don’t want them or if ocd is convincing me I don’t. Ugh. It’s just so frustrating.
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