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- Anonymous
- Date posted
- 1y ago
don’t understand
so i cant seek reassurance and i cant confess. so what. i bottle it all up until i burst into a million little pieces??
so i cant seek reassurance and i cant confess. so what. i bottle it all up until i burst into a million little pieces??
it is not just about not seeking reassurance, it is about not engaging with the thoughts at all. Allow the anxiety without resisting it and overtime the anxiety should lessen as your brain realises there is nothing to worry about :)
Seeking reassurance and confessing tells your brain that these bothersome thoughts/feelings/urges are important because you’re engaging with them. In essence, when we engage, it’s like shining a big old spotlight on the thoughts/feelings/urges. When we shine a spotlight on something, it makes it more visible, and that’s what happens when we engage with our fears, they become more visible. If you practice non-engagement (and it takes practice) what we once shined a spotlight on will fade into the background ❤️
@VGH Yes and then your brain tells you that you’re in denial and burying your head in the sand and choosing not to believe the truth because it’s painful 😣
I am truly sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time, feeling like a bottle ready to burst. It's a tough journey dealing with OCD, but remember that you're not alone, even when it feels like it. Confronting it is both brave and significant, so give yourself credit for seeking help. 👏 Something that has been an absolute game-changer for me is this AI OCD therapy tool called "unstuck" (unstuckmyocd.com/try). I first learned about this from my OCD support group and honestly, I wish I had known about it sooner. For your particular situation, I think it'll be especially helpful because the AI offers step-by-step personalized guidance for those tough moments when you feel everything is bottled up and bursting, it's like having an OCD therapist but tailor-made just for you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the app or want to chat some more - we're all in this together. 💪
I know I’ve done something terrible but I can’t remember the details and I worry it could be even worse. I spend every waking moment trying to remember because then at least I’ll know what I have done exactly. I can’t even remember when it happened like what is wrong with me. I don’t have a job anymore and my family is worried for me although I hate it when they are because I hate myself I don’t want their love and kindness anymore it feels wrong to have that. The only thing keeping me going is my siblings but if they knew they would leave me too so I just want to distance myself completely. I’ve already swore to never love anyone or allow someone to love me because it would be wrong. If those are the consequences for my actions then I accept them but I just want to know what I’ve done exactly I beg everyday for my brain to remember and I cry everyday too and hate myself for it because this is all my doing so why am i crying?
I was doing so good, but over the past few months, the OCD has returned with a vengenace. I try to explain what I'm experiencing to my family, but they don't understand. I just need to hear that people get it and know that I can make it out the other end alive and in one piece I've had many themes over the years, but right now, scrupulocity is taking over my life. It takes the normal day-to-day things I do, and twists them into compulsions to feed the insatiable monster that tells me if I don't do enough, be perfect enough, that I'm not a good partner-- not a good person. I'm not working hard because it feels satisfying; I'm doing it because I feel lazy and worthless if I don't. Everything has been taken to an extreme. It's making getting in the way of eating and sleeping. I'm suffering, but I feel like I need to try and pretend that I'm fine (even though I'm terrible at hiding it) because I feel like my husband will think I'm crazy, whiny, and dramatic, and eventually, get tired of it and leave. I'm not asking for reassurance. I just want to not feel so alone.
im not diagnosed, but these past two days have been terrible. i constantly have this underlying feeling that i might do something that i think is gross and i feel like i can’t do anything on my own because otherwise i might do something wrong. like i feel like i constantly have to be in front of people so that i can make sure of my every action. this is so exhausting and I’m so confused. and like i keep getting terrible images and stuff replaying in my head. i also try to recall what happened but i feel like i have false event too. i used to have religious ocd and that eventually stopped completely, but now it feels like all my work getting over that was pointless. also like i feel like i might have contamination ocd but not the typical germ type. I just get terrible images and I can’t remember if those images are true or not even though they’re impossible and i feel terrible. I don’t know if i could ever get over this because even the thought of it is terrible.
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