- Username
- morganr10morganr10
- Date posted
- 44w ago
One of the biggest things I second guess is actually having ocd. I know that I do but my brain just keeps telling me that I’m bothering all these people around me with my ocd and that I don’t even actually have it so I’m just wasting their time
- Username
- MadMatt MadMatt
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 44w ago
@morganr10 I get that sometimes
- Username
- MadMatt MadMatt
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 43w ago
@morganr10 I second guess that too sometimes. Whether it’s OCD or not
- Username
- sunsetrose75 sunsetrose75
- Date posted
- 41w ago
I'm in the process of figuring out if I have it. I definitely have obsessions, but I don't believe I have any compulsions? Any suggestions?
- Username
- AerylynAerylyn
- Date posted
- 44w ago
I can relate. One example of what I deal with on a daily basis is when I set my cup down and have to move it several times to just the right spot. Sometimes my mind will look at the table I'm trying to set it on as a puzzle, as well. Once I find the right spot, I feel like I can breathe. Sometimes I will get intrusive thoughts telling me that if I don't move the cup to a specific spot, I will have bad luck. I try to ignore it, but I end up stressing about it, because it's such a simple thing to move the cup to prevent possible bad luck. I do find that if I don't listen to the intrusive thought, the day does actually start to go downhill, and in a way that I don't have any control of (like the car breaking down, finding out your babysitter is sick, some natural disaster, etc.) I do it with other random items, too. Anyone else? 😆
- Username
- MadMatt MadMatt
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 44w ago
When ruminating I often second guess the outcome of my thoughts even if I’m in the clear
- Username
- ninjastoneninjastone
- Date posted
- 44w ago
I always question what I'm doing and if it's harmful to someone in some way. I worry that my existence itself is harmful. I'm exhausted
- Username
- theaugustbreezetheaugustbreeze
- Date posted
- 44w ago
@ninjastone me fr. anything i do leads to me questioning if i like made someone feel bad or i made their life more difficult and that i should have done it better
- Username
- AerylynAerylyn
- Date posted
- 44w ago
Same. Every day I worry about using too much water or wasting food or causing too much pollution with any task that I do. It builds up and eventually really stresses me out and I feel like there isn't anything I can do to keep from harming the planet or potentially other people. I hate it. I just want my thoughts to chill out.
- Username
- JewelsandgemsJewelsandgems
- Date posted
- 43w ago
@Aerylyn Seriously!! I feel guilty abt leaving the light on. I feel like this is a type of ocd people should talk abt more! Like are we good people? Idk
- Username
- AerylynAerylyn
- Date posted
- 43w ago
@Jewelsandgems I'm the same way with the lights. >_< I totally get it and agree that it should be talked about more. We ARE good people! It's so stressful thinking that we aren't!
- Username
- JewelsandgemsJewelsandgems
- Date posted
- 43w ago
@Aerylyn Yeah one of my exposures is like thinking i am a bad person and i am a bad friend but idk i can get too meta abt the whole thing
- Username
- HasocdHasocd
- Date posted
- 44w ago
I have been through this but managed to cope and stick with my first choices since last year. The best way to do it as I found that choose the first positive choice that makes a positive outcome ❤️❤️
- Username
- NotSoNewb82NotSoNewb82
- Date posted
- 42w ago
I read too much into things and this makes me think I have to apply rules that don’t really exist to my life. I take meds now so it sort of stays at a level but tbh every now and then it gets overwhelming and restrictive.
- Username
- elliss2elliss2
- Date posted
- 42w ago
Why‘d you just brush your teeth, man???!🤣
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- Username
- Maeday
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 2y ago
So today, on a hike, I was hoping to get clarity on whether I should stay in my marriage or not (ROCD is rampant these days). Yeah, that's something I feel I'm never going to get. Each answer is terrifying and makes me sick. How do people make huge life decisions with OCD? The biggest life decision I've made is my marriage and I've questioned it ever since.
- Username
- kiwi01
- Date posted
- 2y ago
this is my first time using this app. i havent been officially diagnosed with ocd but the signs seem pretty clear. i've noticed myself being more anxious lately. a major issue ive been having is i am extreme indecisive. its dinner time, chicken tenders or a burger? sometimes it take me more time to decide on something than to eat it. maybe because i wanna make the best decision i can. and thats just one example. in the same ballpark, i can never have a thought that doesnt come with a conflicting thought. usually when i feel like i've negatively affected another person. i guess an example is like if i have plans to do something with a friend that i dont really want to do, i'll cancel. but then im like "what if going to that event meant a lot to them? did i make them cry? was that rude of me? should i go anyways and suck it up to not hurt them? i should respect my choices more. is that selfish?" you get the point. it then sends me into a spiral which often leads to anxiety or me crying. its all very tiring and i was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences.
- Username
- Tee10
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Curious to know what e your OCD “spiral” is like? Mine is catastrophizing about one thing, then trying to think my way out of that thing, to only get anxious about every conclusion I draw, then getting confused and not knowing what to believe.
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