- Username
- Mooooni
- Date posted
- 40w ago
I hate my job so bad. Anyone else w similar exp?
Hi. I have been grateful and patient for a long time but I had to call off because I can’t even stand going in. Would like to hear anyone’s experience.
Hi. I have been grateful and patient for a long time but I had to call off because I can’t even stand going in. Would like to hear anyone’s experience.
Jobs are hard to come by. Try to hang in there . Do your best even though and perhaps quietly look for another job . If you do leave at some point it is is preferable to leave on a good note and get a good reference.
@777Q They are and trust me I’ve been patient for a year and a half. I was looking for other work. I’m on unemployment and have wiggle room to seek peace from this current job I have. It is toxic and we all have our limits. I’ve been settling.
Hi, I got laid off from my previous job and I miss it dearly. My current job is another interim job until I get a job with my college degree. For the last few weeks I have got 0 hours per week! There is also no union. It's not right to give no hours a week. I didn't do anything wrong besides calling in sick when I was actually sick and I did that only 2 days. I am actively searching for a other job. If your job is toxic, leave. I had experience with that at my first job and it's not good for your mental health. Wish you well :)
@Anonymous I’m so sorry to hear. That’s strange to get 0 hours. You can’t talk to HR? My job is toxic. I’m a lead and all the other leads have permanent stands and make tips. They took me out of mine and have me everywhere. I’m losing money and they are violating my seniority rights. I work at the big bar and do so much for 12 bartenders and they rarely tip. No obligation but a slap to the face. I also have first priority to switch positions and they are making excuses because they are short staffed. I’m losing lots of money and taking crazy advantage of me by moving me everywhere which is more work and later hours.
@Mooooni Do you have a union? I once tried to find HR and I couldn’t. Pathetic company but great to shop at
@Anonymous Yes I went to the union and even followed up. I heard they suck though lol. I’m losing money this weekend but I need a damn break. I’m so sorry again for your experience. Is there anything else you can do?
@Mooooni - Hi, I am just looking for another job. Even my mom said you can't depend on this job. They obviously don't care about us even though they pretend they do. Greedy company. It makes me miss my old job even more which had a union. My current job is so anti-union...gee, I wonder why? If you are looking for jobs even NOCD may be hiring, if you are eligible you can look. I heard government jobs are aplenty too. Best wishes
Yeah my job sucks too. Let’s quick together hahaha
I feel so burnt out. I’m not enjoying life anymore. I’m either extremely bored, sad, pr anxious at work, I come home and don’t even want to cook, watch Netflix but don’t even want to watch anything, and just want to crawl in bed, cry, and go to bed. I don’t want to do anything and work, chores, cooking, etc. are extremely hard for me to do. I compare myself to my roomate who works from home, is accomplished in her job, cooks a lot, enjoys tv, and way more extroverted and mature than I am. Sometimes it gets annoying and it’s the last thing I need. She sometimes “mothers” me and makes sure I know what I’m doing in the kitchen. I feel like I can’t talk to an erp therapist about things like this because I think it’s more than just erp therapy that I need. I’m struggling to take care of myself and don’t enjoy things anymore. I’m scared but feel numb about the future. I’m just exhausted, annoyed, and bored all the time. I also feel like I don’t like myself and judge myself constantly. I wish I could be more confident, have a more fun personality, felt motivated to do things, actually enjoy them, and have friends and family who would 100% understand me. I also wish I was more so a leader but I’m not. How can I live a more exciting life? I’m so bored and depressed everyday. I hate it.
I have had OCD all of my life. It affects absolutely everything I do. Those of you that have it know exactly what I mean. I'm a 50 year old male and I have been on meds for 30 plus years. Most days I'm fine, except for a bit of compulsive checking. Lately, I have been absolutely overwhelmed with my job, which I absolutely hate. I have been at it for over 14 years. I'm at the point of a nervous breakdown and feel so terrible and ashamed for my poor wife having to deal with my emotions. I feel like a failure of a man and husband, though she's always by my side. I'm currently looking for new work but my OCD just accentuates everything. Lately, whenever I'm about to clock on for the day I nearly have a panic attack. And over what? A stupid job that would replace me in a heartbeat?? They have already led on that I'm not too far from that. OCD just makes everything soo damn big. Instead of realizing it's just time to move on and just take the necessary steps to do so, I Instead overthink and panic. This is my current struggle. Just wanted to share. Soo damn tired that all I think about is retirement. I'm just wishing my life away to the age when I'll seemingly be more at peace. Thanks for reading.
I’m tired guys. I’m tired of thinking something is always wrong with my health, tired of letting random symptoms/ sensations take over my brain and make me think something is horribly wrong. Tired of thinking I need to go to the doctors to get X & Y looked at. I’m tired of always assuming worst case scenario. I’m tired of constantly thinking if something is unethical/ immoral if I don’t do something, tired of always thinking I’m offending a religious higher being, tired of thinking I’m a bad/ disgusting person for my thoughts. I’ve had OCD ruin so many things for me that should have been fun. It’s ruined intercourse/ intimacy because of religious thoughts, or I keep thinking about STDs/ infections. I’ve been having panic attacks lately, something I’ve never experienced, because of life changes and it’s all gotten in the way of my structured life and it’s been very uncomfortable. Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in danger, or nothing is real. Right now I’m fearing the most that I’m losing my mind, who I am, and I’m just so scared of my mental health getting worse and going manic or developing a dangerous mental illness. My mental health has NEVER been this bad. This is all new and it’s so scary. I was just fine a few months ago, sure I was dealing with other OCD stuff, the intrusive thoughts, the fears, the repetitive actions just to make sure something is the way I want it/ brings me comfort. But ever since my structure was changed/ ruined, it’s all been downhill. I just finished an EMT program, and that messed with me. Saw/ experienced things I’ve never done before and man, it’s really messed with me. Working on getting a new job in healthcare but still don’t have insurance so getting a new OCD specialized therapist has been difficult. Can someone relate just so I don’t feel like I’m crazy?..
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