- Date posted
- 28w ago
Do you think one day in recovery they’ll be a day I don’t think about the fact I even have ocd?
Do you think one day in recovery they’ll be a day I don’t think about the fact I even have ocd?
It's certainly possible. It used to completely run my life. Now I have my ups and downs but a majority of the time I barely think about it at all.
@djflorio Im glad to hear that you’re doing better
@djflorio Thanks for the comment! Glad to hear you’re doing well
Hey, I had harm ocd and I recovered from it, like it went away completely, and I went months without even remembering a single harm thought. Two months ago it came back stronger than last time but that’s my question too, like I know I’ve recovered from it before but for some reason since it came back stronger and it’s getting worse, I feel like I’ll never recover again.
@Ocdsucks56 I dealt with harm ocd too and it sometimes comes and goes but I always know it will go again. I constantly remind myself that it doesn’t matter whether it’s harm, relationship, or any other theme- they always feel like “the worst theme”, when I’m in them. Regardless of the content- it’s all OCD. That sometimes makes me feel a bit better. I imagine myself in water. Do I thrash and panic or do I lie on my back and let the waves take me along to calmer waters. This is just another wave and one you can overcome before. Ride it out, better days are coming!
Sorry to hear that you're having trouble again. Recovery isn't a straight line, it can be a bit of a roller coaster. But each time you face difficultly, there is an opportunity to learn, and to practice the tools that helped you before. Each time you come out of it, you'll be that much stronger. I strongly feel that the skills and tools we learn to overcome things like OCD make us better than "normal." I feel that I'm better equipped to deal with difficult situations than people who never worked on this stuff, even those without anxiety disorders.
@Ocdsucks56 You can do it AGAIN!
Absolutely, and there will be periods of time where ocd isn’t as loud, or you’ll even find you’re managing better and it doesn’t have the same impact on you. Keep up the good work, thoughts are temporary. Instead of “what if I don’t have recovery”, try telling yourself “what if I do?” Imagine how good that feels!
@Anonymous 💭 Thanks for the encouragement
Yes i do. Probably you will have bad days too. Remember the tools you used last time and keep doing the recovery work.
@OCDFamily Thank you for the encouraging words
Hey guys, I hope you’re well! My names Matt, and OCD has struck me again 😂 When I was 10 years old I had to attend therapy as I was having excessive intrusive thoughts. P.s. I didn’t even know this was possible at the age of 10! I then completely forgot about it, until 2.5 years ago when I started experiencing ROCD. I really couldn’t understand why I was feeling/thinking this way however, I soon after remembered my struggles as a child and then realised my OCD had returned. Also, my mum has serious OCD so I guess that could be why too. I had a a really hard battle with my emotions and mood due to this however, the last 1.5 years had been really good and I managed it well. I got married and had the best day of my life. 3 months ago, a thought about having an affair in my head appeared, and BOOM, it’s back again. I’m struggling a lot right now however, I’ve accepted that this could be a re occurring theme throughout my life, and it’s time to learn to deal with it again. I’m back on medication and have started ERP therapy, so hopefully it’s on the up from here. I’m not here to list off my triggers and thoughts as this would be me seeking reassurance however, I’m here to show that recovery is certainly possible!
If you suffer from taboo themes, and deal with groinal responses… Do you feel they have disappeared? Do you still notice them? For myself, they have become so engrained/automatic , so while i do not get “anxious” by them anymore i still can clock them & it can feel discouraging … What are your experiences?
I want to beat OCD because I have seen and felt the benefits of clearing my brain from unnecessary, pointless, thoughts. OCD is like 0 calorie food. It’s pointless. No nutrition or benefits come from my obsessions or compulsions. I don’t care to have answers to everything anymore. I catch myself just trying to stress myself out so that I have some worry to feed on. But like I said, it’s a 0 calorie food. I get nothing from it but wasted time and energy. My brain feels more spacious when I’m not consumed by OCD. I’m present. My personality has room to be herself without making space for bullshit. I tell myself now that worry is poison. I think Willie Nelson was the person I got that quote from? Anyways, that imagery of worries being poison for the mind has been transformative for me. I’m evolving. 💖 Thanks NOCD community.
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