- Date posted
- Yesterday
My life feels impossible to continue
Everything is building up and I don’t see a way out.
Everything is building up and I don’t see a way out.
One day at a time 💕 it seems absolutely impossible like nothing is going to get better , thats how I felt in December, find someone to talk to I didnt want to speak to family or friends either, its REALLY hard to open up and talk to somone because our brains makes us think all kinda of things, feel things , lie to us, but please talk to someone find a therapist from NOCD or someone else, it truly does help , I wish you much needed peace💕
@LuGem0602 Thank you I will try
Hi J.E., I’m really sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. I truly appreciate you sharing this with our community—it must have been difficult to do so. I know it can feel like everything is so hard and impossible at the moment, and I’ve been there myself. It might feel overwhelming, but please know that you're not alone, and there are people who care. Taking things one step at a time, even when it feels like it's too much, can sometimes be the smallest but most important change. Please remember I’m here if you ever want to talk or need anything.
@AnonymityK Yea people love me. Like I’m so blessed with the amount of things I have and friends and family. But I’m still so unhappy. Nobody knows this about me. I literally don’t know where to go from here. I wouldn’t kms but idk what else to do rn like this feels like hell and I just want to feel better
@J.E - Are you working with a therapist? I truly understand what you’re going through, I’ve been there myself. Whatever the reason is for not sharing with friends or family, it’s completely valid. But I wanted to share that, for me, when I finally opened up to my partner and family, that’s when I started to feel like I wasn’t alone. I was so afraid they wouldn’t understand or that I’d be judged, and honestly, they didn’t fully understand what I was experiencing. But even so, they were still there for me, and that support gave me the courage to keep pushing through. It’s not easy, but reaching out for help really can make a difference. If you’re not working with a therapist, perhaps starting there would be a good step.
@AnonymityK I’m not working with one because I’m only 16
Somethings that help me have been spending more time with people who build up my energy and feel like home, like my family. Also, doing my homework, it sounds silly but it gets my mind directed on something else that needs to be done anyway, same thing with chores. Find little things to make life worth living that aren’t the compulsions your brain is telling you you have to do
@cmax20 Thanks. When I’m around people I feel even more lonely and I literally have like some kind of social anxiety or something around even my family and friends. And I do school from home and it’s incredibly hard to do. My school causes me a lot of anxiety and a lot of times I’ll literally break down in my house for like a strait hour when I’m home alone. I’ve punched a hole in my wall before. I don’t even understand who I’ve become. None of this sounds like me I’m disappointed and disgusted with myself even writing this. Like at this point I’m literally begging for help. But then at the same time I would never tell my family or friends any of this because they just won’t understand how bad it really is so I just don’t. I feel so alone in this and idk what to do.
@J.E You’re not alone, even though it feels like it. A lot of this stuff, I have found, is a lot easier said than done. I’ve delt with OCD since I was 7 and I’m 19 now, it gets better but sadly never really goes away. However, thinking or doing hobbies or watching shows you like, or maybe even finding a somewhat happy place could help! Being here and asking for help is putting you in the path to feel better about yourself and your overall quality of life
@cmax20 That’s my biggest problem my ocd questions if I even love my hobbies or anything or anyone. I literally am so scared of what my future is going to look like and I feel like I’m wasting the best years of my life because of my own thoughts. Idk what to do rn
Hi J.E., I wish I could give you a big hug right now, but I guess a virtual hug will have to do. OCD is a bitch. Please know that it will take a lot of time (I’ve been in therapy and doing ERP for a year now), it’s a marathon but you take it in baby steps. You are loved and your life has meaning. Please know that OCD does not define you, and you can have, and are deserving of, the future you want. If you can’t find a therapist on NOCD, you may be able to find a regular therapist who has experience with and knows a lot about OCD. That’s what I did before I discovered NOCD. Please know you are not alone, and you have support here. I’m sending lots of hugs and support your way.
I feel like no one cares about me... Im struggling in college and it just feels like I cant catch a break... Ive made bad choices that make me a bad person... I have to be uncertain about worst case POCD scenarios that may or may not have happened unknowingly... I genuinely dont feel like any one cares about me... and if I pass away, ill be laughed at and forgotten by everyone... Im alone with no gf, barely any friends, and I cant even be certain that my POCD fears of unknowingly cybering with a minor did or didnt happen... im stuck in hell...
I’ve recently become unemployed and the journey to finding a new job is honestly unbearable. I struggle with a major lack of self confidence and I don’t believe I’m good at anything nor smart enough for it, so whenever I look at job websites and see different things advertised I panic. Even with what I’ve wanted to do for years, the thought of going out and doing that makes me feel horrendous because I don’t think I’m capable of doing it. And what doesn’t help is the fact I’ve told my parents this and they just scream at me saying I can’t sit around doing nothing every day when that’s already something I don’t want to do. I want a job, I want to do something I enjoy, I like working I do, and once I’m it in I know I’ll enjoy it, but there’s certain things stopping me from going for it. I hate myself over every possible level to the thought of people seeing me everyday is making me panic, I don’t think I’m very intelligent so anything that requires me to do maths or organise numbers or anything like that is out of the question. I’ve worked in hospitality for 7 years, doing shit I despise and I honestly have hated every moment of it so I can’t go back there. It’s all scaring me, all making me feel like I’m just incapable of doing anything right, I genuinely just don’t even want to wake up tomorrow because the thought of living this life for the rest of my life is ridiculous. I don’t want to do it. I don’t have anything I’m good at, there’s nothing I enjoy what the hell am I meant to do with that? I’m honestly so stuck. Everyone keeps saying “beggars can’t be choosers” but this is my fucjing life and I have to do a shit job that makes me want to throw myself off a 30 story building till I’m 70? Fuck no. What kind of life is that? Just so I can make money? And afford bills? And pay to live? wtf I don’t even want to be here so why am I doing that. I don’t enjoy living I a really fucking hate it. And working down the local grocery store is just not gonna make me wanna be here any longer. I really hate it here and now I have to find a job that I’ll hate? I’m so stuck
feel really down like i'll never be able to live my life i feel i'm never truly happy i just have to get by i feel stuck ive had loads of therapy cbt nothing will ever really help me 😞
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