- Username
- mmartinez015
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hey there! Yes, I have two kiddos and they are fantastic. I also suffer from HOCD, but things morphed into POCD. Not fun. It’s hard, but you can absolutely have kids. You are not a threat to them and it’s sort of common to have this theme when you have children. But, it’s also something you can work toward eliminating via working toward understanding the thoughts are bs. I get hit sometimes, but I can let it go - most of the time. OCD is hard, but please try to not let it run your life.
Your message gave me so much hope thank you
My POCD started my senior year of high school and my HOCD started in 8th grade. I’ve always been curious to hear the stories of people who have felt how I’ve felt. I worry that I won’t be able to marry or have children because of my ocd
Too, OCD has a tendency to target anthing you cherish - job, sanity, life, relationships, sexuality, kids, family, etc. It really rips into these things. For instance, my OCD will often morph into my relationships, job, etc when it has the opportunity. It’s frustrating as hell, but we can all get through this together.
If you don’t mind me asking how did HOCD affect you on a day to day basis with your wife and friends also did you stare a lot at other men especially there crotch’s and butts cause I have HOCD and I feel like I’m in denial a lot or that since I’m looking it means that I’m gay and it really bothers me
Hi Sean01 - yes, it will definitely take that approach - the staring. Totally normal activity within a totally insane disorder. Not saying we are insane, but the disorder is maddening :). You just have to remember that when the OCD is very active that this can happen. I just try to understand that then focus on the present moment and what I am doing. It’s not always easy, but gets better with time. I wish you all the best. Just keep trying to understand how this disorder works and try not to care. Very very difficult I know. You hang in there!
Thank you I’m trying I’ve gotten better the first few months where by far the worst but seeing a therapist and trying to remember that it is ocd and not something else helps just gets the better of me
I was diagnosed with OCD right after the birth of my son. Since then, I have had another child and am pregnant with my third. My kids give me a reason to fight this beast called OCD. Medication was a real game changer for me; I don’t know where I would be without it. Also, taking care of kids 24/7 is a great way to face your fears head on. OCD will not stand in the way of me living my life! Prayers for you.
I hear ya! It is very difficult and I am finally learning that this disorder takes a lot of patience. More than I ever thought. So, try the one day at a time approach too. It can certainly help with the tough days.
Do you ever struggle with feeling like an evil person- that's what holds me back so much in being in the moment
Following. Would really like to have kids of my own one day but my biggest reads take ahold of me. I'm too anxious
POCD has been the worst thing I've ever been through. I feel like I have always sort of experienced it but not to the degree I do now. I used to plan being a mother to a beautiful family. Now I don't know if I'll ever have children at the risk of having a girl. I used to have intrusive thoughts that would make me feel weird but I could just move on from them. That was until I had to babysit my niece and change her diaper. I want to throw up thinking about it. I got a horribly strong groinal response and I didn't know what to do. I didn't understand why it was happening. It bothered me all day that day and later on I did the disgusting deed of testing myself. I regret it everyday. It's a horrible compulsion and it haunts me. I tested if I was getting off to the thought of her. And of course there was stimulation because of the groinal response. But I hated doing it. I just felt like I had to be sure. After that and since then I haven't wanted to be around her. I stopped planning being a mother, I stopped watching cute baby videos like I used to enjoy because they trigger disgusting intrusive thoughts. After a while I stopped being intimate with my boyfriend and haven't done anything with for months because the thoughts take over and make me feel like I may enjoy the deed more if I was thinking of children. I worry that maybe I do enjoy these thoughts and I'm just denying it. I wish I could be sure. I feel so disgusting and ugly, I've never hated myself this much. It takes over most of my days. I wish I had never changed her diaper. Some times in moments of clarity I am so sure that I'm not a predator, but when I am vulnerable OCD sneaks back in and tells me I enjoy my thoughts and that I should think them. Sometimes it gets so overwhelming that I have to test. I wish I could stop. It ruins my entire week. I feel like a monster. I want to love my life again. I miss life before this. I feel so hopeless most of the time and I can't imagine a way out. I'm scared to start therapy because what if I found out I am a monster? I can't live like that. I won't. I want to cry and scream. Am I alone in this?
I am so angry with ocd. I hate that ocd even exists. I wouldn’t necessarily say I wanted to be a mom when I was younger. I grew up without my mom around. But now my sisters are both moms and I see them and I feel like I’m missing out. But having pocd and hocd has definitely made me feel like it’s completely out of the question. I even made sure my fiancé knew that I didn’t want children/ feel like I can’t have them for fear of hurting them or passing on mental health issues. I was abused growing up and one of my old therapists told me that “people who are abused can become abusers”. That is something that I am not willing to risk. And even though I feel set on that choice, my brain still tells me that I’m missing out. So I’m constantly questioning if I truly feel like I don’t want them or if ocd is convincing me I don’t. Ugh. It’s just so frustrating.
Just to preface this, I’d like to say that I in no way whatsoever intend to judge parents of ocd children or people with ocd that have children. I honestly mean no disrespect with this post, I just really don’t know what to think or do. I wish the best for all of your families, and for all of you struggling with ocd as well. Please don’t let my post influence how you think, all I need is advice if anyone can give me it. Feel free to skip if this is an uncomfortable topic for you. Thank you! I’ve had ocd since I was young, but I hadn’t started thinking about this until recently. I heard that you have a 15-20% chance of passing ocd down to your child. I used to be really uncomfortable at the thought of being pregnant and often had intrusive thoughts trying to convince me I somehow was. I finally got past this and began to look forward to being a mother someday, but now I don’t know. I can’t imagine not having kids, but I’m scared that they’ll have ocd like me. It’s not a crazy high percentage but it still scares me. On one hand I’m like hey, who better to help their kid if they have ocd than a mom who has ocd? But on the other I worry that if they have it, it could worse than mine and that they’ll have a really hard time dealing with it. I hate to say this but it feels a little bit selfish to want to have kids when there’s a chance they’ll get the same disorder I hate so much. Both me and my sister have ocd as well, so I’m scared it’s something that runs in my family. Any advice would be appreciated.
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