- Date posted
- 1y ago
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Yes, I believe so bc you’re experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Stress alone causes it. If you are too stressful and thinking about it then it can cause this issue.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Hi what I am going through it’s hell right mine started with a passing comment at work,and also my relationship at the time was toxic and that didn’t help my ex wouldn’t let me watch anything with girls in it movies tv programs the lot and on top of that she wouldn’t show her body I started doing night shifts 12 hours every day I was really tired and one of the guys fell out with his girl friend and that is when he went on the say I can see why gay guy are happy they don’t have women in the life like 5-10 minutes from the comments being said I thought came in to my head saying I am gay I was like uh what no this don’t make no since started to look on internet I know now that was a bad idea but at the time I didn’t it was horrible I was like so has my whole life been a lie I kept running to the toilet every five minutes it only got worse as time went on I have never before thought of this kinds of thing as a teen and a young adult it just don’t line up I have never been in to guys only women it is hell every day it got to the point where I feel like I am in denial even know deep down I know that isn’t the case I even went as far to go on gay porn to see if I liked it I was gagging and couldn’t even look at the screen I was shaking I was like what am I doing while my thoughts where was like you do like this I was like no I really don’t I even feel like I have lost my attraction to girls I have enough of this just want old me back i also looked up can sexuality change and the internet was like you I was supper triggered and was like how this has been going on for 3 years now
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Its the snowball that started the avalanche and led to a whole bunch of other questions, very similar to me but mine got triggered by trauma.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
But to answer your question of erectile dysfunction, our minds are so worn out by the ocd it decreases our libido, and gives us a more difficult time focusing on xy and z.
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Kyle you’re story is almost identical to my experience & current battle with HOCD. As for the comment above said, in the beginning it’s the snowball effect, going down the rabbit hole, sheer fear/panic, the gay test, avoiding tv with men, gay themes etc, I’ve never watched gay porn & don’t intend to but I can see where your mind would go, because it’s general sense of sexual stuff, as you are like hey when’s the chick going to join here ? LOL You feel severe intrusive thoughts out of nowhere, lingering. I’ve never been attracted or into guys, had zero doubts of sexuality, always dated girls, never was aroused by men etc. Until late 20s I was high (marijuana) where ED happened, then the next day I saw picture of a male on TV with a shirt off and it all began. its a living hell yes, BUT Obviously some better days then others. It’s been ongoing for 5 years but I finally got the balls to start ERP therapy this month. Even doing that was sheer fear, omg I can’t believe I have to do this kind of feeling. So far so good. Medication like SSRIS helped a ton in 4 years but they faded, searching for a new daily med because of anxiety & now I’m doing the work with the therapist. ED can be caused by overthinking in general it’s awful, embarrassing and causes anxiety been there you are not alone. The best thing is a dose of daily meds and ERP Therapy. I put this shit off for 5 year out of fear but we both have to face it dead on.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@jim1031 Has it worked for you? How good are you feeling now?
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
So far it’s been pretty decent. Good therapist. Still having intrusive thoughts from triggers and seeing erp. But I’m in the 3rd week of ERP. It’s difficult but have to do the work. I feel okay more comfortable seeing gay stuff now and I try to use the tools you lay out with your therapist to bring the level down.
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
Does anyone with so ocd get scared or feel like they r just going to suddenly realise they r gay. Like all of a sudden you’ll be like omg I’m gay and then I get scared like ong it’s happening to me Can any relate to this
- Date posted
- 23w ago
Anyone else will just be doing anything normal and I’m gay comes in? It’s so distressing and I try and say ok sure ocd but the anxiety over takes me and my mind won’t let me believe I’m straight when I am. I love men I’m Not attracted to women but when I ask myself the doubt is for sure there which sounds like Casebook ocd. I’m just sick of this I don’t want to have to laugh at things in my head that don’t make any sense it’s so hard and unfair
- Date posted
- 22w ago
Ok so I’m a 17 year old female, and I’ve always thought I was straight. But I just really want to know how you would know the difference between so-ocd and actually questioning your sexuality. I have nothing against the LGBTQ community (in fact I am very much a token straight friend, lol) but I saw a video about comp-het recently and it sort of felt like what I was experiencing. I don’t want to be gay, I want to be with men, I want to like men, I’ve always liked men, but now I’m questioning whether or not that’s real? Because people can be gay but not want to be right? I’m single and I always have been. I think women are gorgeous, but when I try to imagine actually having any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with a woman it feels wrong, at least most of the time it does? Sometimes I’m less sure, and I’ve never been particularly boy crazy. I’ve liked maybe 2 or 3 people in my life, (not to say I’ve never found other guys attractive, but it doesn’t seem to be as often as most people) I have no particular reason to be afraid of being gay, very supportive family, safe area ect, but I don’t want to be, does that mean this is ocd, I don’t know what’s going on every time I say I’m straight I feel like I’m lying, but that might just be because I think about it so much. The idea of being with a woman doesn’t feel like something I would want, but is that just because I don’t want to want it? People online say things with so much sureness, if you feel like this it means this. Ect.
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