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- izzyc
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I wouldn't say 'stages' however OCD is known to wax and wane over time and to change themes oftentimes. It makes sense given that the things people worry about tend to be related to their developmental stage in life or other things that are important to them, so it makes sense that the content of OCD would change at times. Other people report a steady theme throughout their lifetime. Check these out-https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/how-erp-can-treat-all-ocd-themes & https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/my-symptoms-come-and-go-is-it-still-ocd
@Stacy Quick thank u for the confirmation <3
I don’t think OCD necessarily has specific stages. However, it can Definitely manifest differently for each of us. Also, for some of us, OCD, has this way of sometimes jumping around from theme to theme. Sometimes OCD reminds me of the carnival game whack-a-mole. Every time it becomes manageable in one way, something else comes up. Also, it is not uncommon for someone to have more than one OCD theme that they deal with. Nor is it uncommon for them to deal with one OCD theme in the past and then that theme subsides, and a new theme comes up. Regardless of the subtype, it’s all OCD, and the Good news is recovery is possible from all of it.
I haven't heard anyone say this clinically speaking, but I've for sure experienced this. I've heard professionals though explain how ocd evolves/changes over time so maybe that's similar. My ocd started off with contamination and some pure o but i didn't notice the pure o too much because the contamination was so awful and i think the pure o was more chill back then. I did ERP for the contamination and then my ocd went mostly dormant for almost 10 years. Then the pure o came back so hard. It started with one theme i had for a bit but was able to keep at bay. I couldn't think of anything else for a month or two, and then a few months later it went on to another theme. I was debilitated by that for months and then i went on meds for a year, and didn't experience many symptoms. After getting off it came back slowly with two more themes and now I'm doing ERP for the pure o. Even my specific themes, i can see how it evolves or has stages as it progresses. Ocd is so sneaky so i feel like once i engage with it it becomes more intense and gets more serious until it's all i csn think about. So for sure i feel like ocd has different stages and evolves, but i think it can really be prevented by identifying it's ocd and not giving attention to it to feed into it
@Anonymous.12345 Wow thankyou!
i think so. im not a professional but i had contamination ocd in 2020. it then turned into pure ocd. and now its on a completely different theme.
I have had soocd for 5 years and it impacts me all day everyday every minute. I’ve read that some people only have it 1-2 times a month or for like two seconds a day and it scares me that I don’t have ocd. Because mine is legit constant and so scary
I don't know if this is ocd related I just know that my ocd feels unbearable when it happens. From time to time I'll get waves of panic attacks that for me will lasts for a week. 3 days if I'm lucky. Recently I went up to 12 days with on and off panic attacks and barely doing or eating anything. This is the longest that this has lasted. I am a overall very anxious person but these make me want to tear my skin off. Does anybody know what this is?? I brought it up to my mom and asked if it was a panic disorder, but she said she doesn't think I have one because she has one and she said that's not what a panic disorder is. I've told her about the waves of panic attacks before and I'm trying to get therapy but right now I feel terrible. Is this a symptom of ocd ?? Does anyone else go through this?? Does anyone KNOW what this is?? Please lmk and if you have anything that could help please tell me :( (I have diagnosed OCD and GAD if that helps any!!)
Hello! I'm new here and new to OCD. My therapist suggested I might have OCD due to my tendency to ruminate endlessly on doubts and fears. These thoughts are indeed intrusive and I can't seem to stop them. The thing I'm kind of stuck on is that I can't see where the compulsions come in. Unless the thoughts themselves are compulsions. Can anyone relate to this?
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