- Date posted
- 1y ago
ROCD Question
I have currently starting dating a lovely woman. Everything about her is perfect except that she is not my usual ‘type’. She does not have the usual long hair and ultra femme style that I usually go for. I am worried that she is not attractive enough and I hate myself for even thinking that. (She is cute as a button, just not the adrenaline rush I am used to) I worry that I am not going to be as into her as she is into me. I am petrified of hurting her. Since I now know the tricks my mind plays, I have continued to see her, because she’s wonderful and I want so much to make it work with her. I just can’t shake the fear that I am going to hurt her and I that it’s my responsibility to protect her from that. Even though I KNOW that I DON’T KNOW how it will turn out. Words of encouragement are appreciated. Thank you!