- Date posted
- 1y ago
I have done awful things on my teen years
I have done awful things around 5/6 years ago and I don't think I can forgive myself
I have done awful things around 5/6 years ago and I don't think I can forgive myself
Hey steleven. I completely empathize with you, I constantly stew over things I did years before and feel ashamed and embarrassed by them. The fact that you’re showing humility by whatever you may have done shows that you aren’t anywhere near past the point of forgiveness. We all screw up and do things we aren’t proud of. The only thing we can do is brush it off and move on. Make up for whatever it was you’re ashamed of by learning from it and trying not to make the same mistake going forward. We are all such imperfect people, and we have the right to cut ourselves some slack. Now, I suggest you get your favorite snack and watch a movie you love to get this off your mind. That’s what helps me through this the most :)
thank you afoley :) I am still feeling like crap and the meds didn't change much of it, but I am trying to not freak out. Just scrolling through insta to avoid my mind. Big hugs for you
Everyone will do something that they are not proud of. OCD makes us ruminate about them and feel guilty about those incidences more than normal people would. Each experience is another lesson learned. Try to give yourself some grace
hello Anonymous, thank you for your words :) I was thinking if it was the ocd kicking in or not since it really happened and it wasn't a fear of doing something but that makes a lot of sense hugs
Trigger warning ⚠️ to anyone who can’t deal with talking about the Lord God says “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1 as well as how He says that those who accept Jesus as their personal Savior, you have this word from God: Micah 7:19: “He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” When you give your life to Christ, He no longer sees you for your sins or what you’ve done wrong, as if He did not one of us would make it into Heaven. Instead, God sees the blood Jesus shed for our sins on the Cross, and so in His eyes you become completely BLAMELESS. He also gives you a new heart and new desires when you accept Jesus into your heart, so you’re not even the same person at that point. It’s why He calls it “being born again” I think. I understand this is a triggering topic for people, hence the trigger warning seen above… but there’s true peace and freedom from all this found by accepting Christ. “Who the Son sets free is free indeed” John 8:36🙏🏼 Stay strong, you’re a decision away from changing the entire world around you :)
hello Cody thank you for your time, I am not religious I just can't believe in it but I appreciate the message that you sent nonetheless 😊 I hope you are doing fine hugs for you
@steleven It’s all good, I just hope you overcome this and I’ll be praying for you either way!🙏🏼 stay strong, you got this✊🏻💯
Excellent comments! Also, we with OCD feel responsible for all the problems in the world at times, to the point of feeling responsible to forgive ourselves. No doubt I get it, but God never asks us to forgive ourselves. We just need to receive forgiveness already offered. I say this with love. :-)
You are absolutely right, Mike! There are great comments I feel so good for all the compassion showed to me 🙏 Thank you for your kind words
Everybody does stuff that has an affect on us years later! I have done a lot of mistakes either. But i try to not blame myself as things happen.. and actually if you think about it, you cant go back and do something otherwise, so thinking about past wont change anything. Past is past and it should stay in past. Right now is the moment you have to focus on. Try living in a moment, try to think about present and try to forgive yourself and understand that you are a human being too. We are not perfect, nobody is! We just can become the better version of ourselves and i am very sure that now you are the present better version of yourself, and you will only get better and better. Take care!
thank you lilithinio :) you are right, but my brain is very emotional rn and I can just think of all the pain that things I have done may have caused to others and also the fear of having to hide them or people will hate me
@steleven I actually have the same situation, i am too emotional lately and every little thing affects me. But believe me nobody will hate you, just try to focus on the present and forget the past because nothing will happen to you. Its all in the past now
@steleven, I would be very welcome to talk with you if you need someone. I'd be happy to give you my personal email. I assure you I have no agenda other than a love and compassion for people, especially young adults who are struggling and feel alone. Let me know, no pressure. :-)
Hello Mike :) Thank you for your offer, but I think I would like to keep my identity private because I get kind of paranoid and the only person (except therapist) I feel ok to tell it is my sister, but again I thank you a lot for your offer big hugs
@steleven Understandable. Thank you for the sweet reply! I'll be on here to encourage any way I can. :-)
I think a lot of people, including myself, forget that we are all humans doing the best we can with the circumstances we are given. Do we always make the right decisions? No. Not everything is so black and white and it’s hard to forgive yourself when we live in such an unforgiving world. I struggled and continue to struggle with this. I put a lot of power in, “what would people think of me” when no one even knows. But what helped me a lot, was my therapist said, “I don’t believe in good or bad people, I just believe we are people.” It made me feel a lot less trapped in one box or other. For me, if you are trying to improve or better yourself from the decisions of your past, then there is no reason to hold yourself hostage to the last. Good luck ♥️
@Coop16 *past
hello Coop16 :) thank you for your kind message,I agree with you we do the best we can and learn with our mistakes, but there are some ofmy mistakes that are just mean and could perfectly have never happenned
@steleven Totally get it! I haven’t always been the nicest, especially in stressful situations. I don’t handle all of them accordingly or could have been handled a different way or not happened at all. You live and you learn. Even if it takes a few times before you learn! ♥️
@Coop16 same for me but I also had friends that were into doing shitty stuff and I did some too
I can relate, its okay tho, it's been year and we were all dumb teens doing awful stuff, mostly out of the idea that it wouldnt matter in the future just know it doesnt define you, knowing it wasnt good is a good change
yes that is exactly what I thought... but now it won't leave me alone.. thank you for your kindness big higs
Yes, I have things too. But I don’t judge myself. I say ‘that’s the best I could do at the time’ and remind myself I can be better for the rest of my life. In fact that’s the journey of life! Stumbling and learning! Stumbling and learning and growing. You are the growth.
you are right but it is hard to live with that weight thank you for the support tho big hug
I also struggle with things from the past that I have done that are wrong. I didn’t harm anyone, but what I was doing could have been seen as wrong. I was able to explain my ocd to someone that saw me doing this action. I happened about 5 months ago. It’s in the past and those people probably don’t remember what happened anymore or at least don’t ever think about it. It still bothers me everyday (sometimes every hour.) I hope this new medication I’m on helps a little. I also hope that you can move past these situations.
❌❌❌DO NOT READ IF YOURE YOUNGER ❌❌❌ —- — - I feel like a really bad person right now, I remember my past and I remember when I was 14, I sent actual inappro//priate pictures of myself to my partner and I regret it so much, i genuinely do, I thought it was okay because I was around adults that were inappropriate to me, and it was so normalized, I don’t know why, I feel like I’m gonna go to jail, this happened 2 years ago but I still feel afraid that I will be in jail for what I’ve done, I can’t stop worrying about this event and I just need help, please someone help, am I a bad person?
When I was a little kid, I used to be horrible. Every time I thought an animal was too cute or something, i’d get violent, terribly violent. I regret it so much and wish I never did anything like that. It follows me in my mind and I hate it even though I was a child. Then a year or two ago, I got upset at my cat and tossed her onto the bed very quickly and hard, and pushed her down. I remember feeling like I didn’t want to hurt her but I didn’t want to let go. I cried after it happened and gave her many treats. Around the same time, my dog got me mad i just smacked her nose but I still feel sick to my stomach thinking about it. Idk if i was 14 or 15 at the time? I would never do anything to hurt any animal now, but why did I ever do it back then? It makes me so sick thinking about it and now I can’t STOP thinking about it. I still never wanted to hurt my cat, but she got on my last nerve at that moment and it happened multiple times and I threw her pretty fast. I can’t believe I’d ever do that. I’ve been hating myself for it ever since i started thinking about it again. I can’t forgive myself and Idk what to do. I wish I could go back in time and never do what I did. She was still only about 5 months old at that time. She means the world to me and we have a very close bond, but now I feel like I can’t love her because what I did. I feel like I can’t have friends, or anything really because I feel like I don’t deserve anything. I feel like a terrible monster and I hate that I ever did anything to a little angel that didn’t even do anything wrong. Idk how to forgive myself. I hate that I did that and I wish I never did. It still wasn’t as bad as it was when I was little, but it’s still not okay at all and I can’t go back in time and change it, so now idk what to do with myself. I feel like I don’t deserve to be around my cats babies even though I love them with all my heart. I’m 16 now and not the same ragey person as i used to be. I had a lot of anger built up from an ex that I was with at the time, but still WHY would I take it out on my beautiful cat. The more I think about it, the worst it gets, it’s sucking up all of my happiness.
I’ve said and done so many hurtful things growing up, especially in elementary and middle school. I was very passive aggressive and mean for a majority of my life, and I’ve hurt peoples feelings. I’m no longer like that now, but every single thing I’ve ever done wrong replays in my head constantly, from the moment I wake up to the second I go to sleep. I know I deserve to feel the chronic guilt and shame, so I feel even more guilty pitying myself. It’s eating me alive, I’m so scared. I know people must hate me, and they have every right to. feel like I don’t deserve to have moments of happiness because I’ve taken that ability away from someone before. I’m not diagnosed, but this has been going on for years and I’m scared to talk to anyone about it because I fear they would look at me differently knowing I’ve hurt someone’s feelings. I feel like a monster. It’s ruining my life and I don’t know what to do.
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