- Username
- Dil P
- Date posted
- 6y ago
You are feeling a lot of sensations in your body and have become hyper aware of them- you choose how you get to react to them. You can interpret them as having no meaning and just being normal physiological sensations that we all get from time to time or you can choose to give them meaning and interpret them as possession. OCD fuels the anxious catastrophic thinking. You also have confirmation bias at play (every sensation you feel now gives credence to being possessed). I’d look at the cognitive distortions and see what may be fueling this fear. Your OCD trigger is very clearly bodily sensations that are perceived as uncomfortable.
@worrieddriver this has made feel better! Seeking reassurance is defo one of my compulsions. Hope everythings okay with you, thanks for the help ??
You are not alone. When I was younger my OCD obsessions were with God and the devil. Compulsions were driven by thoughts of the devil coming for people I love. Only repeated rituals of praying or asking God for help including rituals like tapping things would help. Still today it comes back. It feels horrible. When I try to avoid those thoughts, especially if anything actually happens then I regress. I just want those thoughts to leave.
I get you , I go through almost the same thing , my obsessions are religious based so of course that includes the evil stuff and yes I’ve become super aware of every sensation of by body which of course makes it worse. I have this obsession that there is an evil sprit inside of my head and when I would battled with my mind I would get sharp pains in my right ear and I still don’t know why I got them because they were real . But my mind would tell me that it was the evil spirits getting in my head again, or the evil thoughts . Etc etc but we have to remind of yourselves that these sensations are real but they have nothing to do with our obsessions. I like to imagine my my organs whenever i get these sensations and obsessions together because it reminds me that i am a human and i have organs and these organs and skin cells and my brain can sometimes produce sensations on their own . The OCD just uses them to flare itself up. I hope that makes sense.
Has anyone here ever had obsessive thoughts about ghosts? Like what if there’s a ghost in the house? What if it’s a demon? And I get so scared. That stuff freaks me out so much. I had a nightmare last night about a Demon/ghost and it scared me so much. I usually have intrusive thoughts about harm and they center my daughter. And I woke up looked at my daughter and what if she’s a demon popped into my head. I get a sinking feeling in my stomach even typing it. I know she’s not but now I’m like am I going crazy? Like am Turning psychotic? I’ve never heard of anyone obsessing over this but me. And it’s taking a lot to post this cause I have a fear I’m the only one and I am going crazy but I know at the same time OCD can latch onto anything. I was doing so good with the harm intrusive thought. I can totally ignore them now. And I’m confident I’d never hurt my baby. So now I’m like is my OCD jumping to something else? But why this? It sounds so crazy!
okay pretty sure i’m developing this now as it’s been a background obsession for a while. my brain keeps thinking of demons and a white witch coming to get me and i was lying alone in the dark and i keep seeing this white shadowy thing or if i see a glare in some glass or something my brain just says “the white witch is coming for you” and then i get paranoid about it because i feel like it’s something that somebody hallucinating/ delusional would think. and i keep thinking about really scary paranormal stuff which is so scary and then i’m wondering why am i so paranoid and scared about this because i don’t think it’s real but then i get scared saying that thinking it will get mad at me if i say it’s not real, and then i think it’s probably schizophrenia for me to believe this but then i get worried that it’s not and apparently if u pay attention to this scary stuff it comes for you and now i’m scared af. i hate that i used the word “it” aswell cos it makes it seem more real. because i don’t want to say it’s not in case there is something, but i don’t want to even believe this because i think it’s abit delusional and it’s like a PARADOX! and then whenever i start thinking about exsistential things it horrible because it always just goes back to me possibly have schizophrenia or developing it due to thinking weird stuff about the universe and my identity. and it’s bad because someone in my family has it and due to the diathesis stress model it’s more likely to occur when u have a genetic risk and prolonged environmental stress which i obviously have had now for the past 2 years due to harm and sexual related themes literally scaring the shit out of me :((( and i’m not at the age where it develops yet which is the early 20s so basically there’s still a chance and i’m scared now and don’t rlly know what to do cos i have a feeling the gene is triggered and now i’m just waiting for the symptoms to go fully blown and they’re already beginning. and i keep having this horrible feeling my hands are on backwards and it’s so scary and i feel like i’m having sensory hallucinations… and i get alice and wonderland syndrome where everything starts to feel rlly rlly fast (but i’ve had this since i was young, it’s just been abit more often recently) and i’m getting it more often and i’m just terrified that i’m starting to get hallucinations. I’m basically just venting so other people can feel less alone with this, not seeking any reassurance
Hello, I have hypochondria, gad, ptsd, and panic disorder. For the past 5 months I have been in a deep episode of what I’m hoping is just hypochondria where I’ve fully convinced myself I’m psychotic/developing schizophrenia. This theme has become so debilitating I lost my job and was completely bed bound for a while. Anyway, I have the extreme fear of developing delusions and hallucinations, so I’m constantly on the look out for symptoms like that. For whatever reason I have become extremely sensitive and afraid of anything demonic or horror related, I literally used to be a horror junkie, listen to Marilyn Manson etc. I am literally an atheist, I don’t even believe in the devil or superstitious things like this, but for some reason I have started getting extremely fear inducing demonic type intrusive thoughts, like one night I had the terrifying thought “what if my wife is possessed by a demon and isn’t really my wife” this thought scared the fuck out of me and actually changed my behavior towards my wife and gave me a panic attack, the fear of that later passed, but the uneasy feeling still linger. I’ve been getting all sorts of terrible demonic type intrusive thoughts like that about everybody and random places and even objects and they cause a panic attack everytime I get them, it used to be a panic attack about struggling to fight the urge to believe these thoughts but now I feel like it’s gotten to the point where it just straight up feels like it’s happening and I’m afraid for real and not even questioning the thoughts anymore. I’ve completely stopped listening to any music that references the devil or any type of media that may have dark references, to avoid getting these types of thoughts. When I am not anxious and I take my anxiety medicine (clonazepam) I can laugh these thoughts off and confidently shrug them off as ridiculous, but other times it feels real!Why is this happening to me? Keep in mind I am a literal atheist and do not believe in superstitious things like this, why am I suddenly afraid of things like this? And better yet why do they scare me and “feel real” if I don’t believe them. I feel like I’m fighting for my sanity every single day. I literally dread the anticipation of getting these thoughts. These strange new fears about demonic shit is only solidifying my root fear that I am developing psychosis. Can anyone please help me?
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