- Date posted
- 1y ago
Question about religion
My bf is agnostic, I am a believer/christian. Obsessing about the fact that if we get married, who knows if it will work out? Do I need to worry about this now? I don’t want to break up but maybe we should?
My bf is agnostic, I am a believer/christian. Obsessing about the fact that if we get married, who knows if it will work out? Do I need to worry about this now? I don’t want to break up but maybe we should?
I have this same worry but the other way. I’m an atheist, my partner was too until recently, now he’s Christian. Really not sure how this will go.
i’ve thought about this a lot too. my boyfriend is also agnostic and while i don’t know where my religious views lie, I did grow up in a religious household. now, I don’t necessarily believe 100% of what my family does but I am more religious than my bf. I’ve thought many times about if this would work out because of that. i didn’t realize that was apart of ocd but now i can see that it is. i think that if there is understanding on both sides and respect from both that it’ll work out. i wouldn’t worry about it too much because ocd is a beast and will cast doubt into your mind about any and everything. think about it in the way of would your boyfriend be respectful of your religion even if he doesn’t believe it?
I am a Christian and my boyfriend really doesn’t believe anything. He started going to church and reading the Bible and even doing devos. He has told me that he’s doing it for himself, it might just be my trust issues but it’s hard to believe him. Another big thing is, I’m extremely against abortion. However, he believes it’s okay in certain cases. I am worried about our future together if we don’t share the same beliefs. I love him but I constantly have doubts
It's a very fair question - one I faced while dating too. I would ask your therapist this question (if you have one). Personally, I don't believe it's necessarily OCD - many people without OCD raise similar questions about compatibility with their partner. My take is that it would be obsessive if you had intrusive thoughts frequently about this and there was some compulsion that you performed to help you feel better. For what it's worth, I came to the conclusion that I needed to date someone of the same faith because of how important faith is to me and because I knew I would want to raise my kids in the same religious beliefs. Because of this, I recognized there would likely be later disagreement if my future wife believed a different religion & wanted to raise our kids in her faith. As a fellow Christian, I would also recommend you pray about this for clarity / speak with priest or pastor you know. God bless!
i am a christian. i am constantly terrified of offending God and going to hell. i love God so much but this so scary. i feel like a really bad person. i have to pray in specific ways at specific times of the day in a specific order and sometimes it feels like a chore. i feel so bad about this. the reason i became a christian in the first place was mostly out of fear. i feel so bad admitting all of this but i really need help. i wanna continue being a christian i think but it’s all so scary and stressful. praying has become a compulsion, i feel like a terrible person with every sin, and it’s so exhausting. also, i’m a lesbian and i’m so scared God will send me to hell for that. i can’t change my identity. i’ve tried, but i just can’t like boys. i’m so scared and sad and terrified and stressed. i have no clue what to do.
Does anyone else feel like their partner would break up with them for every gross thought they have attached to ocd, so you distance yourself and now you’re overwhelmed by everything in your relationship and feel like you made the spark go away/ don’t know what to do anymore. I’m so stressed with school too I don’t know whether to take a break in the relationship to better myself to meet their needs.
I didnt wanted to post about this but it makes me really sad right now. This post will be about Christianity so if you believe in something else dont read it cause i will mention things that might trigger you. Im struggling with my faith right now and i feel like christianity might be the same like other religions and beliefs. I wont come with the "if theres a God prove it, i want Him to show up" thats ignorant, but i think about some things that keeps me stuck. Before christianity i was really desperate to find the meaning of life so i read about spirituality. Alot of people believe in that and live a peaceful life, cause that thinking makes you have positive behaviours cause they found a meaning. We say other religions are false things but then we say ours is true cause "we feel like its true". So its all about how you feel. Back then i just couldnt relate to spirituality and i found people who were liars and strange people, but we know christians can be that too, so i left spirituality cause it didnt made me feel good. But maybe if i wouldve stayed there and learn more, it generates the same feeling as i have now towards God and now i would say thats the truth cause i feel at peace and that im loved. Many spiritual people feel that, without christian beliefs. Non believers too realized a long time ago that self love is so important. So the problem is that i can never explain why do i believe, i always say "cause i feel that its real" well, if i would be so desperate to pray to a cat God and make myself believe everything I have is from that cat i would feel like its true. So my faith is about how i feel... which can be easily manipulated. And many times people said to me "its just a view, it makes you happy cause youre afraid that life doesnt bavw a meaning" and now i kinda feel like it can be true. Many will say faith is relational, but i can make that relation to anything, as is said if i think theres a big cat somewhere who loves me it can become relational... and then where all this ends it sounds like well God is with us but he doesnt do anything to intervene, you might now feel Him, we dont have any evidence, in the end of the day you just have to trust theres someone who will give you something after this horrible life. And that sounds like you want to give meaning to life. Maybe i didnt got the answers from the best christians, but it sounds to me like you jjst have to trust theres someone out there, and that belief will make you happier... But its the same with every other religion tho... Native americans believed in many Gods and it gave them meaning and a happy peacefull life. But we say thats false... why? Isnt our belief the same? I hope i get some loving anwers, cause im not trying to ruin anyones belief, im just struggling with my faith.
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