- Date posted
- 1y ago
Does your job trigger your ocd?
How do you cope?
How do you cope?
yes, i’m a dish washer and i physically can not look at some foods or get my hands greasy or mix foods especially washing them down in a sink. i’ve coped by putting my music/ podcast on and getting used to the sight, putting on gloves to avoid feeling contaminated, and talking to people to distract myself.
Yup, I have pocd harm ocd and work with kids. I do exposures around them every chance I get so if my brain is like "AAHAHA YOU'RE TRYING TO BE CREEPY TO THAT KID" instead of backing away from the kid to feel comfortable, I walk closer to them and if I think "I will touch them weirdly" I stretch my arms in their direction or wave or offer a high five. Exposures are key to getting better, even though they can be uncomfortable!!
Yup! I have contamination OCD and work with kids. I worry about contamination from shoes…and kids sit on the floor, or on their feet in the chair, or put shoes in backpacks, which touch their books, lunchboxes…etc! It is very difficult to work with children and not want any of them to touch or be close to me! It’s a struggle every day!!
You know when you have weird thoughts about a coworker and because you have OCD these thoughts really stick and you panic and feel sick? Yeah that’s me and I’ve struggled with having intrusive thoughts about my coworker and now he just got in a relationship with my coworker and my intrusive thoughts are WORSE I thought they would be better? And initially they were because I was relieved that he couldn’t be weird with me now because he has a girlfriend. But this is the thought that i cannot get over- my OCD is like you’re jealous that he doesn’t like you and he’s not with you instead and i envy this girl he is with. Why the fuck am I having these thoughts while I’m in a healthy relationship and love my boyfriend to DEATH- like I know he is my forever. I couldn’t look at him today because I’ve been obsessing over this thought I’ve had in work and now I have to find a new job I hope no one will judge me for these thoughts or maybe someone has had this weird thought before? :(
Anyone struggle with this with having ocd?
So maybe the title wasn't the best to to put it but when you guys start having obsessive thoughts how do you stop them before it turns into compulsions and anxiety?
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