- Date posted
- 49w ago
I understood that in the 2 big flare ups with OCD (now and 8 years ago) I had problems with my period! Does anyone else have it??? Can it be related????
I understood that in the 2 big flare ups with OCD (now and 8 years ago) I had problems with my period! Does anyone else have it??? Can it be related????
Hi I can relate to that. My mental health spirals with PMS and has spiralled out of control at times with the peri menopause. I am not an expert but female hormones are definitely a trigger for me. Getting them under control is a constant battle, and unfortunately it involves taking everything you enjoy out of your diet ☹️. Hope you manage to sort it out
@shelley5791 Wow! So interesting. Maybe that’s why it happens. Thank you. Hope you are doing ok
Oh definitely! Mines at its worst when I’m ovulating and sometimes I’ve missed periods due to severe OCD.
@Sadie1994! That’s exactly it. How do you handle it?
@confused writer I actually started taking the pill to stop ovulation and regulate my periods.
@Sadie1994! And did it help??
@confused writer Yes 100% for me but for some people it can exasperate anxiety so it really depends on your body
Yup… I got PCOS and it has been a journey to say the least. I see an endocrinologist and she usually checks my thyroid and sugar levels. I think Ima have her do blood test next time on my progesterone and adrenal glands because we haven’t checked those in about a year. Surprisingly, i react well and have a good cycle when taking diabetes medication. Don’t know why! But it regulates a lot of things and I do have to take vit D because my levels are always low. Would recommend you see one as well for some insight!
@Anonymous That’s what I want to do!!!! Thank you so much. My sugar is ok. Thyroid too. But I don’t get my period on time
@Anonymous I have pcos too
@confused writer It sucks man. I am convinced it is what flares up my OCD as well. My levels are usually good too besides my vit D and for some odd reason my CO2. Upon further research, low CO2 levels can be a cortisol issue. But before I go down that explanation spiral, I’ll save you from it 😂 but yes! O highly recommend seeing an endocrinologist, they are the hormone specialist! And advocate for yourself even if your OCD tells you otherwise!
So much yes! I’m just after stopping birth control after give or take 10 years. I can’t ever remember having such a spike in OCD. I’m trying to navigate it as best I can but my oh my has the last two months been hard 😫 thinking of you and hoping this rut passes for you soon! 🙏🏼
@Anonymous 💭 Hope you’ll do better!!! Are you kind of depressed too? Or only anxious?
@confused writer Just really anxious, but I know as the hormones settle so too with my OCD. We’ve just got to be patient and trust the cycle. I sometimes tell myself “it’s not me, it’s my OCD” which often helps when I’m spiralling!
@Anonymous 💭 yes!
I don't know if this is ocd related I just know that my ocd feels unbearable when it happens. From time to time I'll get waves of panic attacks that for me will lasts for a week. 3 days if I'm lucky. Recently I went up to 12 days with on and off panic attacks and barely doing or eating anything. This is the longest that this has lasted. I am a overall very anxious person but these make me want to tear my skin off. Does anybody know what this is?? I brought it up to my mom and asked if it was a panic disorder, but she said she doesn't think I have one because she has one and she said that's not what a panic disorder is. I've told her about the waves of panic attacks before and I'm trying to get therapy but right now I feel terrible. Is this a symptom of ocd ?? Does anyone else go through this?? Does anyone KNOW what this is?? Please lmk and if you have anything that could help please tell me :( (I have diagnosed OCD and GAD if that helps any!!)
I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone else… I’m 28 years old. I was diagnosed with OCD when I was very young and it took a while, but I overcame it. I haven’t had any compulsions in 20 years. I’ve had some horrible things happen in the past, but nothing brought back my OCD. The only thing I struggle with is overthinking and making decisions. Im about to take a sabbatical from my work for a year to travel because the last year of my life has been by far the happiest and most confident iv ever been. I went to see a therapist a couple weeks ago who was an OCD specialist, I just wanted some tips and tricks for decision-making while I’m on my trip. She warned me that my OCD might get worse before it gets better, but I thought that she just meant with decision-making and overthinking. They have this program set out that I didn’t really wanna do but she told me it works really well so I decided to try it. It’s two sessions a week and the first two sessions were sort of just talking about my old OCD and doing questionnaires. I really related to some of the questionnaire questions, and the therapist was actively telling me that I definitely had OCD the whole time which made me feel bad. After our second session, my OCD came back full swing like when I was a child. I cant stop thinking about doing compulsions every waking second. It’s been two weeks. I’ve been to her several times and nothing is helping, I’m resisting the urge to do compulsions as much as I can and I feel like I’m fighting for my life. Nothing is helping and I’m burning out. I wake up and cry everyday because of how uncomfortable and out of control I feel. I never thought this would happen and im so mad at myself for ruining my trip. I feel like I’ve ruined my life tbh and even if I do get better, I’m always gonna be bothered by the constant fear that even at the highest and most happy points in my life it could just come back at any second with no warning signs.. I thought I knew how to deal with it and had the tools, but nothing is working this time and its ruining my life. Today I asked about cancelling my trip altogether, and I might be going on medical leave. Has this happened to anybody and do you have any tips for me?
Hey guys! So I struggle with OCD, especially harm, relationship and moral stuff and I am somewhat recovered now. However, my current girlfriend has started showing signs of OCD but it’s abou5 something I don’t know much about so I wanted to see if anyone on here had thoughts about it. She is constantly thinking about food (when to eat it, what is healthy, what is too much, what is too little) and controls the thoughts by giving in and controlling her entire day around food. She don’t really know the feeling of being full. She never starved herself and always eats, but then she feels extremely guilty afterwards. Her thoughts do have to do a lot with her body image and not gaining weight but also not losing any either. Does this sound like ocd or an eating disorder?
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