- Date posted
- 47w ago
Been on Zoloft for 2 months and 6 days
I started with 25mg at first, then bumped it up to 50mg the second month. I've noticed some positive shifts in my mood. It seems like my brain is finally getting used to it, and I can feel a positive difference. Honestly I’m up and down with this medication and depending on what intrusive thought OCD wants to throw my way is uncertain , and two days again I wanted to switch to a different med completely but now I don’t know. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Anyway , my OCD has been throwing me the most disturbing thought. It involves a knife and someone’s eye (you paint the picture) I’ve noticed the more you don’t engage with OCD the more the thoughts decrease but then it’ll rev up and send you and even more violent thought just to trip you up and make you feel all those horrible feelings again. I still pushed through , and I also wanna say exposure has helped. I was so afraid to start my new job at Starbucks because I had to be around people and the fear of possibly hurting them , and I had so much anxiety leading up to the job that I almost didn’t go in and was gonna quit before I even started , and I’m so dead set on a sleep schedule that going into work with sporadic hours freaks me out because what if I get tired and the thoughts get worse. I had to push all of that to the side for this job and it was so scary , but it’s my second week and I’m doing it. I’m finally working , laughing and talking to people. Yeah the thoughts come , but an hour will go by and I’ll think to myself “wow , I don’t even remember a violent thought popping up” and also keeping a knife on my nightstand has helped too. Trust me I’m still scared , but I got hit with so many exposures that my OCD sort of calmed down , because after a while I realized I have nothing to worry about. Exposure therapy really does work , especially when the exposure isn’t planned , because let’s face it I have to work. I have to make a living. What I felt was a nightmare turned out to set me free in a way. Ain’t that crazy