- Username
- Conner00
- Date posted
- 41w ago
Your correct it won’t end do it for your self wether or not the relationship ends or continues gotta get better now and yes i understand the details part. Me and my girlfriend would drink and I’d end up asking certain things hoping it wasn’t true and when it was it would send me in a downward spiral best thing that helps me it’s praying and forgiveness and understanding we all do stupid shit and things we wish never happened just keep fighting and looking for different perspectives and if you put in the work you’ll be a better person but I’m not completely over it either but I feel much better and am very hopeful so just keep pushing we got this ♥️
My story is very embarrassing and full of shame. I’m in a long distance relationship. I ruminate on thoughts of my boyfriend’s ex fiancé whom he has no contact with - that she is prettier than me and better in bed. I know too many details about their relationship due to asking and wanting to know more information and I compare myself to her to see if I am better. The obsession got so bad that I foolishly ended up befriending her on social media, pretending to be a random person on the internet who liked her posts, then got into legal trouble for stalking. Despite what I did, my boyfriend forgave me and wants to continue to be with me. However, I continue to ruminate and compare. I am going on my 4th ERP session through NOCD, but don’t feel too hopeful. I’d rather just end the current relationship, but I know that is not the solution - no relationship is safe from RJOCD unless I treat it head on.
Hey! I struggle pretty bad with RJOCD with my current girlfriend. My friends told me she hooked up with a guy about 10 years older than her and it’s been super hard for me to not think about it and ask her about it. When I’m with her and I’m present she makes me so happy and there’s days I don’t care about the past at all. I feel your frustration though, it’s definitely hard. The gathering information and stalking on social media.
@anonymous127278 Yeah I haven’t ask questions in a while but what I do know I’m stuck on like what did you do to them or how many times information that you shouldn’t know im struggling bad with that then I struggle with the fact that she told me
Anyone here tried ERP for retroactive jealousy? If so how did you get on and did it damage your relationship or sexual desire in any way?
@Anonymous https://drmichaeljgreenberg.com/
Hi all, recently became stuck on the idea of my wife and I splitting up, and the impact on our dynamic and our child. We have a very healthy relationship, and have been together over a decade. I love her completely and am typically a golden retriever type partner. She's everything to me and then some, which is why these thoughts are so distressing. I've never done therapy, and recently tried antidepressants which spiked my anxiety through the roof so I stopped. I've been dealing with with this for about 3 months. In my constant googling I came across Pure O and ROCD, and based on all I've read seems to align with my experience. This may be reassurance seeking, but would love to celebrate success stories of others who have been able to overcome the intrusive thoughts and find peace. This feels like such a lonely subtype because I can't fully share with and lean on my best friend who I'm used to telling everything to. I'm also not used to needing support. I'm usually the supporter.
Are there any demisexuals on here that struggle with SO-OCD (I'm a straight woman, or so I think I am). It's a struggle to know what's OCD and what isn't
⚠️ TW sexual themes ⚠️ I have OCD regarding sexual themes. I struggle with real event/false memory OCD, and I used to struggle with different sexual sins before me and my boyfriend were together. My OCD tells me that if we get married, and we consummate our marriage, that it’ll be sex under false pretenses if I don’t confess everything I’ve ever thought/done in regards to my past. It makes me feel like when we do end up exploring the sexual aspect of our relationship, that it’ll be SA unless he knows everything. OCD is ridiculous. Can anyone relate to this? The thought of hurting him in that way actually makes me sick to my stomach and makes me shake.
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