- Date posted
- 45w ago
- Date posted
- 45w ago
Your correct it won’t end do it for your self wether or not the relationship ends or continues gotta get better now and yes i understand the details part. Me and my girlfriend would drink and I’d end up asking certain things hoping it wasn’t true and when it was it would send me in a downward spiral best thing that helps me it’s praying and forgiveness and understanding we all do stupid shit and things we wish never happened just keep fighting and looking for different perspectives and if you put in the work you’ll be a better person but I’m not completely over it either but I feel much better and am very hopeful so just keep pushing we got this ♥️
- Date posted
- 45w ago
My story is very embarrassing and full of shame. I’m in a long distance relationship. I ruminate on thoughts of my boyfriend’s ex fiancé whom he has no contact with - that she is prettier than me and better in bed. I know too many details about their relationship due to asking and wanting to know more information and I compare myself to her to see if I am better. The obsession got so bad that I foolishly ended up befriending her on social media, pretending to be a random person on the internet who liked her posts, then got into legal trouble for stalking. Despite what I did, my boyfriend forgave me and wants to continue to be with me. However, I continue to ruminate and compare. I am going on my 4th ERP session through NOCD, but don’t feel too hopeful. I’d rather just end the current relationship, but I know that is not the solution - no relationship is safe from RJOCD unless I treat it head on.
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 45w ago
Hey! I struggle pretty bad with RJOCD with my current girlfriend. My friends told me she hooked up with a guy about 10 years older than her and it’s been super hard for me to not think about it and ask her about it. When I’m with her and I’m present she makes me so happy and there’s days I don’t care about the past at all. I feel your frustration though, it’s definitely hard. The gathering information and stalking on social media.
- Date posted
- 45w ago
@anonymous127278 Yeah I haven’t ask questions in a while but what I do know I’m stuck on like what did you do to them or how many times information that you shouldn’t know im struggling bad with that then I struggle with the fact that she told me
- Date posted
- 35w ago
Anyone here tried ERP for retroactive jealousy? If so how did you get on and did it damage your relationship or sexual desire in any way?
- Date posted
- 31w ago
@Anonymous https://drmichaeljgreenberg.com/
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- Date posted
- 13w ago
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- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 27d ago
Looking back, my introverted nature and struggles to find belonging in high school may have set the stage for how OCD would later impact my relationships. I had my first relationship in high school, but OCD wasn’t a major factor then. It wasn’t until my longest relationship—six years from age 18 to 24—that OCD really took hold. The relationship itself wasn’t the issue; it was what happened after. When it ended, I became obsessed with confessing past mistakes, convinced I had to be completely transparent. Even when my partner was willing to work past them, I couldn’t let go of the intrusive thoughts, and that obsession landed me in the hospital. From there, my struggle with ROCD (Relationship OCD) fully emerged. For years, every time I tried to move forward in dating, doubts consumed me. I would start seeing someone and feel fine, but then the questions would creep in: Do I really like her? Do I find her attractive? Is she getting on my nerves? What if I’m with the wrong person? I’d break things off, thinking I was following my true feelings. But then I’d question: Was that really how I felt, or was it just OCD? I tried again and again, each time hoping I could “withstand it this time,” only to fall back into the same cycle. The back and forth hurt both me and the person I was with. By the time I realized it was ROCD, the damage had been done, and I still hadn’t built the tools to manage it. Now, at 28, I know I need to approach dating differently. I recently talked to someone from a dating app, and my OCD still showed up—questioning my every move, making me doubt my own decisions. I haven’t yet done ERP specifically for ROCD, but I know that’s my next step. Just like I’ve learned tools for managing my other OCD subtypes, I need a set of strategies for when intrusive doubts hit in relationships. My goal this year is to stop letting uncertainty control me—to learn how to sit with doubt instead of trying to “figure it out.” I want to break the cycle and be able to build something healthy without my OCD sabotaging it. I know I’m not alone in this, and I know healing is possible. I’m hopeful that working with a therapist will help me develop exposures and thought loops to practice. I don’t expect to eliminate doubt entirely—after all, doubt is a part of every relationship—but I want to reach a place where it doesn’t paralyze me. Where I can move forward without constantly questioning whether I should. And where I can be in a relationship without feeling like OCD is pulling the strings. I would appreciate hearing about your experiences with ROCD. Please share your thoughts or any questions in the comments below. I’d love to connect and offer my perspective. Thanks!
- Date posted
- 24d ago
Hi, I'm 17,about to be 18. I've been struggling with these thoughts for the past 8 months. I was wondering if someone experienced ever the same because I feel im "different". BACKGROUND: (I'm not diagnosed with Ocd but seeing a local counselor) About 9 months ago I cheated on my boyfriend with this guy S (who blackmailed, manipulated and molested me). Since then when I realized that what i did was very WRONG and so I started ruminating picking apart every single interaction and telling my boyfriend, i tried to remember every single detail because otherwise I felt like i was being a fraud and hiding things to save myself, i had many crisis about it because I had also what i think was false memory ocd. My boyfriend forgave me idk how tbh I still wonder. CURRENT STRUGGLE: Months ago I was sure I didn't wanna S in any way and i was sure even when everything happened. For the past 2 months tho I've been having thoughts like " Do I love S?" "I love S" "S is hot" "Would S find me hot?" "What if I want S?" " What if I don't love my boyfriend enough?" "What if I secretly want S?" "What if I see my boyfriend as a friend only?Do I?" And I tried testing my reaction to intimate scenarios with S, I'm scared I like it i dont really wanna love S or have any secret attraction, I wish I didn't have any of this and I want to be sure of my feelings for my boyfriend because I know I wanna be with him and I see a future with him like he brings me comfort. But a part of me keeps trying to convince me otherwise. Sometimes I think I'd rather die than have these thoughts. Im so scared of not being able to control my feelings, im scared I can't resist S and its giving me anxiety and making me cry. Sometimes when i think of those sexual scenarios with S or I get those thoughts my mind tells me to smile because i like it because I find it funny. It makes me doubt myself all over again. Like I'm always like I need to test if I'd feel aroused to intimate scenarios with S, lately im trying to fight this urge to test and test but my mind is like "just do it this once so you can be sure. I can never watch anything romantic or sexual or whatever because my mind would be like "you and S" or sometimes I'm just enjoying time with my bf and im like " yes we can just have a sneaky cheating thing thats ok" and it makes me want to figure it out to find an answer a solution because idk it just does like I need to find the meaning of it if it means the truth and all. Im worried im just an awful person and these thoughts just ruin my quality of life . Today i had a crisis where i ended up doinf swlf harm, I'm so scared of finding someone that's not my boyfriend desirable or sexual appealing or whatever it is, I also have bodily reactions when I try to imagine and test my reaction to scenarios. Now i keep groing everytime and I dont know why but i have this sensation and I dont want to havebit especially when its something S related. Does someone experience the same thoughts? Am I alone in this? Is this ROCD? What should i do?
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