- Date posted
- 44w ago
Any success stories with ROCD and ERP? Would love some encouragement❤️
Any success stories with ROCD and ERP? Would love some encouragement❤️
well i struggle really badly w ROCD specifically with confession ocd. (i also have false memory) sometimes i confess things i recently started making myself think “what if i did that? maybe i did maybe i didn’t” and sit with that. it’s SO hard but sometimes it made me realize, ‘hey my brain right now is telling me that i actually DONT think that way’ and i tried to listen to that. another thing my therapist had me do was write my confessions down. (these confessions were typical ROCD things like intrusive thoughts ab other ppl, dreams, thoughts that are “bad”, etc) this was super hard for me because it made it “real” but i’m happy to say i’ve been writing down so so much and it GENUINELY has given me some clarity. i went from no joke 15/20+ confessions a day to 1-2. it was SO HARD at first and don’t get me wrong i’m still in the process of healing. but whenever i have a thought that i “shouldn’t have” in my relationship i just try and sit with it and think that same thing “what if i thought that? okay it’s just a thought. and maybe i didn’t”
Hi, I am new to ROCD myself as I only recently started dating but the best advice that i got was if your not ready to leave stay and this was helpful because I often would overthink and would be confused about my feeling like if I loved them or not.
how are people dealing with confessional ocd in relationships? hope everyone’s okay and slaying as much as they can ♥️
Hi friends! I am someone who struggles with general OCD but have recently come to question if it is more specific to my relationship(s). In my heart, I feel that I am currently in the most loving, fulfilling and safe relationship that I have ever been in but lately things have been rocky. I find myself questioning a lot. Examples being: Is he really the one for me? What if I am missing out on something even better? Am I actually happy or am I lying to myself? Is this relationship doomed/am I doomed to be miserable in the future due to our age difference (met at 25 & 32, currently 27 & 35) I find myself trying to pick him apart more often than not lately, almost as though I am looking for something to fixate on in attempt to reassure myself of some of my already negative thoughts? I’m just curious if anyone out there that struggles with ROCD finds any similarities to the thoughts I am having? Sending love!
Really struggling lately with ROCD. But also unsure if it’s OCD or relationship dissatisfaction. There is good days then bad. Largely depending on how I’m doing on an individual level. It’s as if small things and some big things are so intolerant at this point. At this point I’m so torn between throwing everything away and sticking it out with someone I do love and cherish. Is it trauma response, anxiety, OCD, dissatisfaction. Ugh! Anyone struggle currently with this or have in the past?
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