- Date posted
- 34w ago
Suicidal OCD
Having a really bad day. OCD recovery feels impossible. Can’t tell if I’m suicidal. Anything helps
Having a really bad day. OCD recovery feels impossible. Can’t tell if I’m suicidal. Anything helps
I get suicidal ocd a lot and I understand how hard it is. I struggle with thinking if I'm suicidal or not. But if it's stressing you out pretty bad it's ocd. Hope it gets better for you!
@Claudio. It’s so distressing. Hoping it will improve just got into an IOP
I felt like that a few weeks ago. I felt I could not distinguish reality from the distortions in my mind and it made me feel worthless. Today, only a few sessions later, I had a nearly anxiety free day. Things get better, sometimes much better in a very short time. Everyone’s progression is different but something that helped me was reaching out to my brother, and to my therapist. Your thoughts may feel unspeakable, but if you have someone whose willing to listen without judgement, it can really help to speak with them. Even if you don’t go into details and just tell them that you’re in distress, the empathy and support you
@Anonymous What did you do in your sessions that helped so much?
@Anonymous Thanks for the comment. I have a wonderful support system which is a blessing
I’m sorry if this is a lot. Sometimes small tweaks can help a lot. If you have a therapist you can talk to you can work out a good course of action for you
if the thought gives you lots of anxiety & distress, it’s likely to be OCD. good luck 💜
@philofelist Hard to remember and understand sometimes when you’ve never been truly suicidal. But it does help. Thank you
Get can really go a long way
What helped the most I think was identifying the core fears attached to my intrusive thoughts. At first I was responding the same way to every intrusive thought with the same response—something like I don’t know if that’s true or not. This was helpful but there seems to be a better way. There are deep seated fears associated with each intrusive thought. If you can write a response prevention message (the thing you say in your head to respond to the thought) that fits the overarching fear you can “attack the thoughts at the source”. I had/have intrusive thoughts about being a pedophile and sexually assaulting my girlfriend. The underlying fear for both of these was that I am really a deeply evil person and had somehow tricked myself into believing I was good. Now my responses for both of these intrusive themes are something like “I may or may not be a deeply evil person” or “I may or may not have deceived myself into thinking I’m a good person”.
@Anonymous I have also had intrusive thoughts about my sexuality. I found out that I am actually less afraid of being gay than I am of lying to myself for 21 years about my sexuality. The response “I may or may not know who I am” is broader and scarier than something like “I may or not be attracted to my coworker”.
You are not alone. I struggle with suicidal ocd every day due to my past. We got this!
@Nashe Thanks for the support. Here for you as well!
@Nashe How are you doing?
I genuinely feel like this is the worst my ocd has ever been. I logically have no reason I’d want to harm myself. Great family, friends, job, low expenses at the moment. Not going through a loss. Feels like all day my brain is kicking the shit out of me telling me I need to kill myself or I should. Intrusive feelings and urges galore. Also so wrapped up in it that I’m unsure if it’s ocd or my own thoughts / I want them or not. Normally I’m the guy terrified to get on a plane because I’m afraid of death so this simultaneously makes no sense but also feels so real?? It feels like this is my fate now or something Any insight welcome
Struggling today with my thoughts and maybe some dissociation. I can’t get any clear thoughts. I felt like lately I’ve started to recover and then the past few days have felt so hard. I feel scared for the future. I am scared I don’t have enough hope for living with ocd. I am scared that I’m not gonna be happy. I’m scared I’ll chose to end my life over this. I’m scared I’ll want to end my life. I feel weird. My thoughts are jumbled today. Something feels like it’s going to happen and that’s what is giving me anxiety.
How can I tell the difference between suicidal ocd and suicidal thoughts?
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