- Username
- uwotm8
- Date posted
- 5y ago
OH MY GOD I'VE FELT THIS. Ocd makes us so needy beyond rationality that it upsets me. I hate this whole thing too, don't worry. We're all living through horrors.
What bits resonate with you?
@?uwotm8? The feeling of being judged when nobody responds with reassurance
You're not alone! We're all going through the same patterns, but different themes.
I think no one comments anymore because we know that giving you reassurance is not helpful, and many of us, rather scroll by, than causing you or any one else harm. No one is judging you, at least no one on NOCD. Best advice we can give you, is to seek professional help, and I don’t mean getting tested again. A therapist will give you the help you truly need. I know reassurance gives us instant comfort, but the doubts WILL come back. It’s just a temporary relief, and it doesn’t help cause ocd is a permanent disorder. I’m sorry you were feeling this way, but we’re here for you.
Thankyou, I’ve realised this and called the doctor and my old therapist said he will see me once as a favour too
My friend, you are never as alone as you think you are❤️
No one is responding though
Would you like to talk to me? I may not have the same theme as you, but I will try to help.
I’ve posted a few times about STDs a few days ago I don’t know if it’s easier to go to that thread? Thankyou
I believe you do not have any STDs if your tests have repeatedly been negative. I don’t know what symptoms you’re having, but it’s possible they’re from something else and that your OCD is making you believe it’s from an STD. It’s also possible your symptoms are psychosomatic. I hope this helps.
You’re totally not alone !! I hope you get better ASAP. Sometimes I don’t say anything because I’m afraid of giving the wrong advice when I’m inexperienced with certain forms of OCD , but if I could tell you one tip , it would be to accept that you don’t know with 100% certainty if you have an STD ( I know it’s so hard ), but that you could still enjoy your life with one. You could tell yourself that you may face challenges along the way , but they wouldn’t have to stop you from enjoying your life. Perception is everything
I’ve been tested negative for them but I freak over symptoms
@?uwotm8? Try to embrace the uncertainty and tel yourself that they could be anything , and if it were a problem , you could do what you have to to feel better
Sometimes when I post and don’t get any replies, I get extremely paranoid that im the only one with this problem and that no one can help because they don’t understand what im going through and just find me crazy, and I start thinking im a traitor to this app and that i’m just deranged. I feel like a lost cause and im scared that if I tell anyone what I went through, they’ll just be driven away from me and avoid me. It makes me feel so isolated and depressed.
Is there any point in trying anymore? There is no way to get the help I need, and even if I could, what if I learn it was never ocd in the first place? What do i do then? Everything feels so hopeless, all i want is to go bavk in time to before these thoughts started. This app is all I have to talk about how I feel. I always had OCD symptoms of varying themes as well as a terrible anxiety disorder that only worsened, but I could've never imagined I would feel like this. If a Hell exists, im certain I'm going there
If you can relate, I would appreciate your comments. Lately I've been feeling rather awkward and out of place. It's not uncommon for me, honestly. You know those situations where you feel like you really don't fit in anywhere? Well, I'm just feeling like despite my efforts to engage with others, I never fully get the satisfaction of genuine belonging. If I try to talk to people or form social circles, even just for the purpose of creating a study group, no one really seems interested. I've been a loner pretty much my entire life, so you'd think at this point I'd be used to it. However, sadly I still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach that everyone is judging or scrutinizing me, as though I am this foreign creature. Having OCD doesn't help. It can just feel like a very lonely place sometimes.
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