- Date posted
- 5w ago
Flare ups when stressed.
Does anyone Else’s ocd flare up bad when in stressful life situations? I was doing amazing and now that I’m having some drama with my life it seems to have come back with a vengeance. Anyone else?
Does anyone Else’s ocd flare up bad when in stressful life situations? I was doing amazing and now that I’m having some drama with my life it seems to have come back with a vengeance. Anyone else?
Yup! Or big life changes, even positive ones, also cause an increase!
@laurenalyssa13 I’ve noticed even when big positive things happen it flares too! It sucks lol!
Yes, but don’t forget that you’re not the same person you were when you first started dealing with OCD, and fighting it will be different this time. I’m sure it’s trying to take control *because* you’ve been doing such an amazing job, which shows you’ve got the tools to beat this. I believe in you and your strength!
@flyana Thank you so much! 💗
Sounds about right.
No yea it happens guys ! I graduated college and I even left home for an internship the summer after graduating and came back and was doing fine . Normal. Nothing . But then like 2 months later thoughts just came flooding in . The job I was in was pretty boring and the fact that I had completed college and the fact that it was dark and gloomy outside since it was Winter contributed to my thoughts and I wasn’t eating well either. I had lost track of my fitness a bit . I felt stuck in life not gonna lie , like it’s all up to me now to figure it out since I graduted college and ouufff it’s gotten better thank god , my OCD was like at a 9/10 . Now it’s gone down to like a 5/10 over the course of a couple of months . And this has been due to starting a new job at a new company and literally just waiting it out . Just patiently waiting. And honestly changing up my routine again . Getting the new job made me feel alive again , like I actually have an important job where I’m needed, before I was sitting behind a computer all day working as an assistant and it made me feel terrible cuz it was so boring. Not saying working as an assistant is a bad job , but to me made it wasn’t it, especially because it was only part time and it could be better . But anyways I been though this before when I graduated High school. And I already know I have an anxious mind so I know it’s all a false alarm 🚨.
@Anonymous The main thing helping me right now is reminding myself that I’m stressed and this will pass. It seems to always get really bad when I’m having something stressful going on, so I just have to talk to myself a lot and remind myself it’s going to be ok!
@LnB90210 It’s all anxious thinking 💭 remember that . OCD is all just a spiral of thoughts that feel very stuck . I get it . A couple months ago I thought I wasn’t gonna be able to get to the point I’m at now . I was crying every single day . If it makes you feel any better my boyfriend of 4 1/2 years is a police officer and I told him to arrest me because I feel like I’m going crazy and he always told me NO. I’m a huge overthinker and it’s ridiculous what I’m asking him to do. My OCD has gone down just with time and changing up my routine a bit and I know if I don’t pay attention to it , it will fade away again . You will be okay
@LnB90210 What exactly is stressing you out right now?
@Anonymous I’m going through some legal stuff right now. Nothing I did wrong, I’m pressing charges on someone for harassment, and that’s got me super stressed out.
This is so common. Happens to me, too. OCD is triggered by a lot of things, chief among them stress. Recognizing that is a huge win, though. The more conscious we are of the machinations of OCD, the better we are at catching its tricks!
Yes! OCD knows exactly when to show up. I tell my to go kick a bucket... it helps :)
Hello LNB90210, As others and yourself have shared stress comes with both positive changes and negative changes in our lives. These periods of transitions inherently challenge us, due to the change taking place. Weather due to a break up or even planning a wedding, there is stress due to the change taking place. To your point, stress does impact symptoms, just like it impacts our mood. This is why I always recommend taking time out of your day for some self-care. This can be spent doing anything you find relaxing or enjoyable. So that you can return to the changes taking place in your life, with a full battery. I hope this helps. If you are struggling with your OCD and would like assistance in making space in your life, don't hesitate to reach out. Know that at NOCD we are always here to help!
Hey guys, I am having the worst HARM OCD episode I have had in a while. I am having disgusting, awful intrusive thoughts about harming others. It feels so real. It feels as if I am about to get up and just do it. The worst bit about it all Is I know I feel distressed and panicked. But where the thoughts are actually happening ( in my head) doesnt feel this feeling. This is making it feel worse as it really does feel like Im just going to do it. I am crying my eyes out because I know im petrified and dont want to hurt anyone im so scared. I have this terrible intrusive feeling in my that feels like its justifying the thoughts. Please can someone talk as I am scared Im crying I dont want know what to do I want this feeling gone I am so scared. I tell myself Id kill myself before hurting anyone else, but would i ? What if I actually do want to kill Please respond Im so scared
Sometimes I notice my intrusive thoughts cause me to spiral and sometimes not. I've been practicing ERP for quite a while so it's a bit easier for me to not spiral. But I wonder why that happens. Does anyone else have it? Also I'm on medication idk if that plays a role.
I want to rip out my uterus. Only my hormones can make my OCD and ability to manage it go back to square one. I am spiraling *so* hard. I cannot breathe. My PMDD is going crazy. I’m having a panic attack again. I feel so scared. The POCD is going absolutely insane right now. It feels undeniably real, and my mind keeps drifting to those awful thoughts and what feels like exploring them?? but I can’t for the life of me stop some of these compulsions right now. I was trying to watch something to get my mind off of this but ended up getting triggered twice, so my anxiety is a 10 and I can’t seem to calm down. This panic attack is tuned all the way up.
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