- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Personally, she should understand that you are soing the best you can as well as seeking help to better yourself for her yourself and your future kids. If she’s already showing signs that shes not supportive of it and its bothering her as well as making you feel like your incapable of having a family then I just think its very unfair to you. Yes, you do have to acknowledge how she is feeling but she should also consider how you feel as well you constantly have to battle these things every single day of your life and you do the best you can yet she picks at your flaws but expects you not to pick at hers or express opinion on things shes pro for no you need to talk to her and you both have to express exactly how you feel and work on your relationship from there.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I definitely think that she should be more understanding, and I agree that she should trust modern medicine. I grew up with a father with pretty severe OCD and it was difficult, I understand where she's coming from to a certain extent. If my dad had seeked help we would have had a much more stable household. I'm not trying to beat you up, but getting help is the best thing you can do for yourself and your future family.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I do understand where she is coming from, but forcing you into getting better isn't really the way to go, and making you feel guilty for not being better isn't going to help you one bit to get there. Also, I think that personally if my partner didn't believe in vaccines and modern medicine to a point that they would stop our kid from using it, I would definitely have to talk to them about it before considering having a kid with them. Just explain that just like your OCD may have an impact on the kid, her mindset towards modern medicine may have an impact on the kid as well. It doesnt have to be accusatory, but an open conversation where your feelings are communicated. You have the right to do so. Ultimately, I hope you are able to feel better for you ❤ and I hope your partner is willing to realize that doing so is possible but will take some time and understanding :) If she is not, then you will find someone someday who is, because you deserve to have somebody who is!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I have been in both healthy and unhealthy relationships. In the healthy ones, communication of feelings can still be difficult, but in the end it is helpful and yields good results. If you communicate your feelings and your partner makes you feel bad for that then the relationship probably is simply not for you (I say simply although I know it's not that simple). Always remember to be true to yourself:)
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- Date posted
- 17w ago
Having a really rough night tonight. Currently I'm having a lot of contamination obsessions and compulsions with using the bathroom and when I use it I usually end up spending at least an hour and a half including all the cleaning rituals and showering afterwards and I just started seeing a new therapist to help with this. Tonight it unfortunately hit me in the middle of the night at like starting at 1 am and finishing close to 3 am. This ended up making both my mom and dad really angry with me and this is not a new situation. For context, my dad doesn't believe in mental illnesses at all and my mother is better and much more understanding, but still doesn't believe it's real to an extent. With my mom being more supportive than my dad, it leads to arguments between them a lot especially ever since they brought me home (I recently graduated college and my OCD got to the point where I was unable to have a job or function normally in taking care of myself by living alone). My mom tends to lash out at me when she gets stressed about these arguments with my dad over me because she can't talk back to him and that in turn usually causes me to spiral and get worse and so the cycle continues. This recent time my dad started yelling at me from downstairs because I was flushing the toilet too much for his liking and my mom said some hurtful things to me. I understand that it's not easy living with me especially right now and I can see why they're upset but I really am trying to get better but I can't just get better overnight and automatically be able to control all my compulsions, especially with the severity they're at right now. I'm not really sure how to navigate my family situation like this with a lack of a support network or someone in my family who believes that what I'm going through with OCD is real and it's not just me choosing to do these things. Has anyone else experienced a similar home situation and have any tips on getting through it?
- Date posted
- 12w ago
hi. so one big factor of my OCD is rumination. i met a guy who i have a crush on the idea of (idea bc there are red flags). my biggest fear is not finding true love, my ex told me no one else would deal with what i have (my ocd, specifically reassurance seeking and getting overstimulated after intimacy). a few weeks ago, my friends and family all gathered and tried to give me advice that sounded like “you’re shy and you’ll never find someone.” after that, i’ve felt off. i’ve been using an unhealthy coping skill, daydreaming, and i’ve just felt unbalanced. my ocd makes everything feel different sometimes, i can’t explain it. life, myself, almost like being in a dissociated state. has anyone else experienced that? i don’t know how to remain balanced during my off times and i know pms exasperates it all. i take ashwaghanda and omega 3s in a multi vitamin daily. i take them all together in the evening but i’ve missed three days recently and also messed with my rocky sleep schedule because of fun times with friends. i hope these supplements work, because i don’t know if i’d be brave enough for medication. i had a bad reaction on prozac and often am forgetful. i just have been battling my OCD consciously for almost ten years now and unconsciously for longer. i am so tired, as my mental health extends beyond my OCD. i’m in talk therapy with some cbt aspects but i only see her twice a month. i’ve broken down so many times and promised myself id get on track or that certain things would work, but it’s like i am stuck in a circle that gets smaller when i’m able to help myself. i just want to be normal. i want to be able to mess up my sleep schedule to enjoy good times and not suffer horrible consequences or fear that i will be entirely thrown off balance. i don’t want to worry or doubt or feel so dissociative that i squint my eyes for a moment and wonder why i feel so unreal. i will never understand why god has allowed me to go through this. i cannot let it be for nothing but i don’t know how much more to bend and contort my body and brain to get somewhere stable but how lovely it would be if i could. i don’t have much of a schedule right now, i get apathetic and give in with things from time to time. one thing can trigger me and i am back to square one wether in a week or month. any advice, any and all is so helpful. your stories, your thoughts. maybe feeling less alone and knowing what has helped you is exactly what i need right now. thank you 💗
- Date posted
- 7w ago
Last night I was staying at my boyfriend’s house and couldn’t sleep. I felt like i desperately needed to go back to my parents and clean and organize my room. This has happened a few times before when I was staying at his place. Since then he’s been very upset with me. Does anyone else’s partner do this? Any advice? It’s been hard. He’s made me feel so shameful for having OCD. As if it’s not tough enough /:
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