- Date posted
- 5y ago
- Date posted
- 5y ago
First. I personally take medication (Luvox 250 mg) and it really helps. Sometimes I focus on my mistakes and try and focus on the good instead. I also remind myself that everyone makes mistakes and that I am not alone. I remind myself that people don’t pay attention to me and analyze me the same way that I do. I tell myself “nobody thinks about you the way that I do” , “nobody focuses on your mistakes the way i do”. It took me a long time to stop making negative statements about myself. I’m probably 75% improved of the frequency and intensity of my thoughts. I feel like I’m living a different life without these thoughts and it’s wonderful. You can get there. Don’t give up
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Try to embrace the fact that one , you care and have any empathy , because a lot of people just move on or convince themselves they weren’t wrong when they were. Tell yourself that you deserve love and happiness regardless because you are a human , and making mistakes is part of human nature. You can never undo what happened in the past , so growing from it and learning from it are the only things you can do and are more than enough for you to say that you’ve changed and thus , you shouldn’t let what you said or did hold you back. You aren’t the same person :)
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Something that helps me is directing my thought towards a postive thing I've done! Helping a friend through a tough time, acts of kindness, etc. It can be difficult to take care of yourself in that state, so it's usually thoughts of kindness that help me! Or thinking of what I would do if a friend told me they'd made the mistakes or had the thoughts I had. I would treat them with compassion!
- Date posted
- 5y ago
Hi, as a person with both OCD and PTSD, I've found it helpful to create false memories about happier past events. Good luck.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
I second this. This has helped me as well. We don’t go so far as calling it a memory, but we are definitely using the narrative of who we were as people in the past as a guide to create more positive behaviors and outcomes during that time. Letting go or undermining the negative narrative. If you have a trusted person to create a memory with, it’s even more effective.
- Date posted
- 5y ago
@sshyksarry @Dominick @xiiiandreww @John Connor , thank you so much guys!! It’s an uphill battle, and I appreciate your advice so much ? it’s wild to me that other people have the same problem. It’s nice to not feel alone even though I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
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- Date posted
- 24w ago
Does anyone know how to deal with guilt for something you did as a kid that you feel is disgusting and worry that it could have hurt someone you loved.
- Date posted
- 24w ago
A good life, success, healing, beautiful things? ⚠️ Important: please don’t read if this is triggering. No one should think this way about themselves, of course you deserve it all. I struggle with real events and harm OCD. My worst fear is being a bad person, causing harm or doing the wrong thing. These thoughts haunt me all the time and cause me to essentially throw my life away. I don’t go out, pursue opportunities, etc. because what if I don’t deserve them? I think of the worst things I’ve ever done all the time. The things that I’m most ashamed of. Like a broken record that’s all I replay in my head. Doesn’t matter if it was 5 or 10 years ago. And I beat myself up for not doing better. And I just don’t know how to move past it. I’ve read a lot of quotes and books about self help and love and acceptance (e.g. once you know better, do better). But for me I feel like I have to hate myself forever. I won’t ever get a clean slate, there’s a permanent stain on my record. I just can’t forgive myself, whether other people know it or not, I can’t allow myself to move forward. It’s about integrity for me. Does anyone relate? How do you do it? I’m so sorry if you’re also struggling. I don’t wish this for anyone. Please keep fighting, you’re not alone. ❤️
- Date posted
- 22w ago
When I was a little kid, I used to be horrible. Every time I thought an animal was too cute or something, i’d get violent, terribly violent. I regret it so much and wish I never did anything like that. It follows me in my mind and I hate it even though I was a child. Then a year or two ago, I got upset at my cat and tossed her onto the bed very quickly and hard, and pushed her down. I remember feeling like I didn’t want to hurt her but I didn’t want to let go. I cried after it happened and gave her many treats. Around the same time, my dog got me mad i just smacked her nose but I still feel sick to my stomach thinking about it. Idk if i was 14 or 15 at the time? I would never do anything to hurt any animal now, but why did I ever do it back then? It makes me so sick thinking about it and now I can’t STOP thinking about it. I still never wanted to hurt my cat, but she got on my last nerve at that moment and it happened multiple times and I threw her pretty fast. I can’t believe I’d ever do that. I’ve been hating myself for it ever since i started thinking about it again. I can’t forgive myself and Idk what to do. I wish I could go back in time and never do what I did. She was still only about 5 months old at that time. She means the world to me and we have a very close bond, but now I feel like I can’t love her because what I did. I feel like I can’t have friends, or anything really because I feel like I don’t deserve anything. I feel like a terrible monster and I hate that I ever did anything to a little angel that didn’t even do anything wrong. Idk how to forgive myself. I hate that I did that and I wish I never did. It still wasn’t as bad as it was when I was little, but it’s still not okay at all and I can’t go back in time and change it, so now idk what to do with myself. I feel like I don’t deserve to be around my cats babies even though I love them with all my heart. I’m 16 now and not the same ragey person as i used to be. I had a lot of anger built up from an ex that I was with at the time, but still WHY would I take it out on my beautiful cat. The more I think about it, the worst it gets, it’s sucking up all of my happiness.
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