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- WeCanDoThis
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Great question. I kinda figured out through googling I had symptoms. Found OCD of Los Angeles. In recovery now. Go to support group. Check out ocd of LA webpage. Great info..good luck
I knew from a fairly young age that it was super likely I must have it: most of my challenges were compounded by a really chaotic home life. Like many other people, I was scared to disclose my thoughts to a professional. It wasn’t until my OCD spiraled out of control and I went to the hospital that a doctor formally diagnosed me with OCD. It was a pretty powerful moment when he looked me in the eye and confirmed that’s what it was.
That does sound like quite the powerful moment. Thanks for sharing your story!
I thought I simply had GAD and panic disorder for most of my life. I had been through many “themes” over the years but both I and my various mental health professionals always categorized them as anxiety and simple catastrophizing. Once my TOCD theme hit, I sat down with a pen and paper and mapped out all of my different “themes” and “breakdowns” and what they had in common to try to figure out a pattern. I did a lot of googling and found Pure O stories that related to my current and former themes (HOCD, existential ocd, health ocd, ROCD, etc.) I found an OCD specialist and was diagnosed during my first session. I’ve been in treatment since (it’s been about 6 months) and my relationship to my anxiety, catastrophized thoughts, and self in general has all shifted. I’m much better able to see my OCD in action and I’m now tackling some of the highest triggers on my hierarchy that I initially set up with my ocd specialist. It has been hard. But having an answer and practical treatment answers has been empowering and freeing.
I genuinly only found I had OCD last month. I’ve had almost every type of OCD since I was a child and never knew it. I haven’t been diagnosed but I know I have this. I often obsess to an extreme level about normal things when I don’t have my intrusive thoughts what gives me hope is that I have beat gayocd hocd and the constant confessing side of ocd so to anyone reading this, you will be fine, it takes time but I can think of harming someone or myself and being gay with no issues at all. Just keep accepting your thoughts and believe you will be fine
These are great testimonials. We really all need one another. ❤
Hey all, I was recently diagnosed with OCD and MDD a few months ago. I’ve been experiencing symptoms for the past 11 months though. I used to be a person who would downplay depression, reasoning that if someone is depressed, they should be able to snap out of it. This year has taught me the truth behind how debilitating mental health conditions can be. My OCD has been absolutely tearing my life apart. For the past year, I’ve been coping with excessive guilt over past and recurring mistakes, my anxiety of which has recently been causing me panic attacks and throbbing headaches. I’ve also been coping with feeling unnatural sexual attractions, to those of the same sex and to children, which contradict the values I hold at heart. At one point, even simply shaking someone’s hand would cause sexual arousal, due to my hyper-vigilance surrounding physical contact. My OCD and depression nearly led me to take my life a few months ago. There are no words to describe the amount of pain I’ve had to endure. My thoughts and feelings have been absolutely tearing my life down, bit by bit. I feel like I lost who I was, and like it’s impossible for me to know who I am. This isn’t me. Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been feeling constant sexual arousal, it’s so easily triggered now. I don’t know if it’s because of the OCD, if it’s a result of the SSRI I’m on, or if it’s just a product of me being a young adult—Or maybe a combination of all of the above, but it’s debilitating. How easily I get aroused causes me so much guilt. There is a girl in my life that I love, but it doesn’t help that I get aroused around her because of the simplest of things. It’s not what I want for us. I want to be able to hone in on my self-control. I can’t help but constantly compare who I am now to who I was just over a year ago. My happiness has suffered, and my endurance is draining. I know there is a long road of insight and recovery ahead of me, this is just the beginning. If there’s anyone who can relate to me in any way, feel free to let me know. Comfort begins with feeling understood.
Hi there, I’ve recently been diagnosed with OCD after seeking help because of worsening performance at work. I’m a nurse practitioner and work in a busy clinic. Throughout the past few years I’ve become slower and slower as a clinician because I’m so scared of making a mistake. I constantly recheck things that I know I know, recheck my charting and make it as perfect as possible, re-review medical history, obsessively follow patient’s charts, consult the on-calls even though I know the answer, and call patients outside of working hours to check in on them. I’m wondering if there any other healthcare providers who have OCD on this platform? I feel like my OCD symptoms have in someway made me a great provider but it’s getting to a point now where I’m afraid I’ll lose my job because I’m not meeting my patient numbers. Since I can’t see as many patients my coworkers have to pick up the slack and I feel horrible about that. Curious if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks so much for reading :)
I have been to a handful of therapists in my life since 2019, some who were helpful and some who were not. I have been categorised my entire life as a “perfectionist” by my friends, have blood relatives who are diagnosed with OCD, among other things, and I’m just lost. The overlap of symptoms that I have with various other mental disorders is confusing me. Is there any definitive document I can refer myself to? Is my only hope to see an OCD specialist to find out? Does anyone have advice as to what to ask a CBT therapist? I’m in a financial bind, and just need some reliable resources and answers.
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