- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I've got harm ocd as well! Oh yeah it's the worst! I hate it. Something that helps me is, that your thoughts are not real, they are meaningless chemicals. Our brains are just thought process functions, and it doesn't know the context of what the thoughts are. It doesn't understand. We just tend to terrify ourselves so much with how far out those thoughts are, that we put meaning behind it, and then scare ourselves even more down the rabbit hole of OCD. Things won't always be like this, I know it seems very difficult right now, but we were all at a time in our lives where we enjoyed every bit of it and didn't have anything like this going on. Things will get better! You just gotta keep holding on. Don't give up. Something that helps me is just letting it be known that these are just chemicals. They don't mean a thing, our minds are just trying to play this obsessive game with us, and it knows it bothers us. OCD feeds off of that. Sometimes OCD can flair up out of nowhere because of things going on in your life. Make OCD your bitch and always do what's right, and you'll be set. You're stronger than you think.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Everyone is scared it's not OCD. 😂 OCD tries to convince us that it's not so we won't get rid of it. Like an ever-evolving virus that tries to escape its vaccine. Also, Harm OCD is definitely one of the worst themes to have, I'm constantly trying not to ruminate over whether or not I'm going to hurt people, become a murderer, if I'm going to live a normal life, if I'm going to just snap one day, etc. etc. etc.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Girl those are my exact thoughts 😅, like I know they’re ridiculous but jeez they’re annoying as heck. But you’re absolutely correct, I don’t know why it likes to make us forget even the good times we’ve had. Its just so frustrating and I’m sorry you’re going through the same thing. It’s not a fun time.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I struggle with the exact same thing! It’s not even fear of what’s happening right now it’s fear of who I could be later. It’s absolutely awful. All of my thoughts started once I had my son a little over a year ago. It’s considered postpartum OCD because of that and it’s crazy! Hormones and chemicals in our brains are no joke. Keep hanging in there. I’m praying for all of you on this thread. ♥️ you’re not alone!
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I had hocd & got through it & now I have Pocd it still tries to convince me it’s not ocd i was so happy cut back on my meds n now I’m back in such distress I’m praying to god to pull through it feels hard to function again
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- 24w ago
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- 23w ago
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