- Username
- Danielle22
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I’m in the same boat, but I’m sure there is someone in your life that makes you feel like a success. You are worthy, I truly believe that. I feel similarly, but I know that these are just my bullshit ocd thoughts, they are evil and try to convince you and I of things that aren’t true. Stay strong and wake up everyday with the mindset that you can do this and come out on top, sure there are days where it will be tough, but you just have to remember that it gets better. I’m here for you and I’m sure there are so many people there for you as well.
This was exactly the same boat that I was in last year just as I turned 25! I had a complete mental break down, and had OCD thoughts about harming myself or taking my life, but here I am a year later and I just turned 26 on Tuesday! At that point in life I thought that I was stuck forever and now I’m finally just about done with my therapy sessions and I can’t tell you how much of a difference a year has made! Don’t worry, we’re all out here rooting for you and rooting for each other!
Don't worry I just turned 26 and am in rehab because my HOCD turned me into an alcoholic ..
Thanks so much I def have a good support system I just get caught up in comparing myself to others n soemtimes I feel I’ll never be a success bc of my ocd
Thanks I was doing good for 10 months I relapsed Tho bc I cut back on meds I just turned 25 Monday but the fact it came back twice feels like My life’s over & everything goin on in the world doesn’t help
Ya I have problems with drinking soemtimes
Only makes everything worse , do not drink as a compulsion
Learned the hard way when I blacked out 2 weekends ago
I feel like opening up about something. I would wake up everyday not knowing what to do in life. I have no motivation to talk with friends, or I would isolate myself from family, because I don’t want to be awkward around anybody and I just don’t think I’m that interesting to be around. I would be mean to myself in anyway possible. I once went to the comfort of my childhood and I would roleplay as characters of my childhood. But now I feel myself growing up and becoming an adult, and I’ve been experiencing grief of no longer being in my childhood. Having freestyle fun with my friends and family was the best I’ve ever felt. But now it’s all gone now. Now I’m stuck with feeling not open minded to anything and thinking that no one cares about me, I won’t have fun or be happy anymore, and I’m a nobody. I would even have scary thoughts about “Doing it” but I’m never planning to. I just feel like there is nothing to do anymore and I shouldn’t look back on the great childhood I had.
I am a 22 year old female and have never gotten into a relationship due to the fact that I have OCD and how ugly it can get at times. I also feel like I would be a burden and be too much to handle especially in modern dating when people want to have fun and dont want to deal with anything that's exhausting not saying it's wrong but that's how it is. I have these two mindsets of 'I'll have someone who will accept me someday' Or 'I'll just be on my own cause that's what's good for me'.I don't think anyone will look at me and think they want to settle down with me or stuff. I feel like i will be too much to handle. Even if someone likes me, they will never actually love me enough to spend their life with me. Maybe if I were more pretty maybe people might put up with me idk really. This just saddens me to the core. I don't know how to deal with this. Is there any hope for me P.S my ocd is manageable most of the time but when it flares up it gets ugly and i go non-functional
Tomorrow is my bday I don’t feel like celebrating because every year I m still struggling with my mental health no changes whatsoever I tried so hard and still stuck with health ocd and other issue is like a never ending cycle right now I m having some health issue which made my ocd even worse why I can’t just be happy and normal and I nipt life without ocd why I m no living I m surviving and is so exhausting
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