- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I’m so glad you have someone who treats you well. You deserve that no matter what baggage you may feel you bring to the relationship. I’m also so glad you have a therapist. While some of what you wrote about sounds like it could be reassurance, I would definitely suggest doing ERP WITH a professional because of the PTSD and other issues around similar themes. Have you ever brought your partner into a session? It sounds like he is pretty understanding, and that could both help him understand more as well as possibly be an even better help to you and healthy part of your support system. I wish you the best! And I can tell you I may have related to your current situation a lot more in the past, but it can get so much better. While I’ve got other issues now, I’m confident in my relationship and my partner of 17 years is more and more my ally all the time! 💜
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thank youso much!! I’m trying to convince myself I deserve it, too. I’ll look into the ERP:). As for bringing him into a session- I haven’t, I actually hadn’t thought about it. Thats a really good idea. I’m slightly nervous about that because it hasn’t been that long and I feel like it may be a lot. Then again, I tend to think a lot of things I need are a lot haha. It’s really nice to hear that it’s possible to move past this, and have a healthy loving relationship. I’m so glad you were able to do that, and thank you for sharing. I wish you the best as well, with everything both new and old.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I also often wonder if perhaps why I stress so much is because I’m conditioned to think that the intense highs and lows are what love is- and because there isnt the toxicity that makes that happen and its healthy i’m trying to do that to myself because its what feels normal for me? if that makes sense
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Hey there. I want to say I identify with your situation as well and I commend you for how brave you’ve had to be. I would say that you should probably go in the direction of trying to expose yourself to the possibility of him cheating on you or not loving you. And you will have to accept this possibility if you want to move on. Then you just continue your behaviors and act in ways according to your values.
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- 25w ago
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- 4w ago
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