- Date posted
- 4y ago
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I think if youre in a position financially then go for it, I understand your anxiety. Its tough for anyone to do that, but you're right you can't live there forever, and the only way to get over your fears is by pushing through it. You can handle those feelings, thats all they are. Of course if the anxiety is very intense, you could benefit from talking to a professional or a close person to explain it is difficult and you may need help easing into your new home. All the best
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Thanks for that. I’m going to go for it but I have so many drawbacks. But I know that i can do it
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@erma12 You absolutely can do it, lifes tough you know, but what's the alternative? what's holding back gonna do apart from "keeping you safe" and having regrets later in life because you didnt allow yourself to live. Embrace the risk, you'll become more independent and strong from doing it. I wish you all the best
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@J ☀️ Thank you. You as well :)
- Date posted
- 4y ago
I know I can’t live here forever*
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Are you seeking treatment for your anxiety? Currently I’m in crisis and greatly struggling during covid times and have temporarily moved back to my parents house because the isolation of living alone was too much. My anxiety would overwhelm me without outside stimulus. Now I’m in a similar position - of being petrified to be alone with myself. To help, I’m not frantically seeking treatment and therapies of all kinds to get a better handle on my own mind so I can take control of my life again and stop being so codependent.
- Date posted
- 4y ago
Yes I am and it’s helping a lot and I’m getting better but I worry that there’s some things I’ll never be able to do again. COVID definitely hurt me. I had a pretty much independent life and now I have so much trouble doing anything. The constant exposures is sooo necessary and it’s been hard with everything going on but I’m trying my best to slowly get back out there. I’m going to just go for it and deal with my anxiety in the moment. I know I’m able to do it it’s just a huge step for me. And I know you’ll be able to be independent again too. We’re both getting treatment and are on the way to the life we deserve
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@erma12 thank you very much for the encouragement <3 you’re very brave for going ahead and doing it despite the anxiety. we were alright once and we will be again!
- Date posted
- 4y ago
@livstaudz So true! You are brave too. These are not easy times. We will be okay again :)
- Date posted
- 4y ago
i AM* seeking treatment, terrible typo ^
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