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- 3y ago
Sexual orientation is a really complex subject. When I realized I was gay, I was filled with happiness and relief because I really was not attracted to men. Even as a kid, I never really pictured myself doing the same things as other girls. Even if you were gay, or bi, that would be okay. You are very very young and you have plenty of time to figure out relationships and sexuality. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, and there is nothing wrong with running through scenarios in your head. Thoughts are just thoughts and they don’t mean anything unless you want them to. You can think about whatever you want.
does this sound like hocd though. and thank you so much for the response x
@anonymous040107 definitely sounds like hocd. Obsessing over whether or not you actually have OCD is a symptom of OCD. You’re gonna be okay bb
You can search up on YouTube HOCD
i have done that and it honestly makes me feel so much better but minutes after the video stops my intrusive thoughts and scary thoughts come back! thanks for the response though!
@anonymous040107 Yeah hold on
@Peridottttt wdym?
@anonymous040107 Hold on to ocd don’t give it reassurance
@anonymous040107 The reason it’s not getting better is because you’re searching on YouTube which is seeking reassurance and it’s a compulsion
i totally relate omg i have been struggling SO much for like the past 2 months and it has been so hard for me. i feel a lot of relief that i’m not the only one. i am straight but i kept freaking out that i was possibly gay or bi or had a crush on a girl. i still struggle a lot but i switched it to whether or not i have a crush on a family member or teacher or friends parent etc. (which i don’t) but i’m here if u need to vent and maybe we can help each other somehow 💗
i am so so so sorry your going through this. i wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy it’s awful! you’ll get through this!🤍
@anonymous040107 thank you so much 💜💜 it means a lot
i have also had boyfriends( well when i was 11/12 so they don’t really count) but i remember thinking when my best friend got with the guy i like i got reallly mad and jealous. i would give anything to feel like that again. a few months back when i was at the stage where i could simply ignore the intrusive thoughts the guy i liked was paying more attention to my bestfriend then he was to me and again i remember feeling mad and jealous. now if i think like that it’s telling me the opposite and tricking my mind into thinking i’m gay or bi
I’m so afraid I might be lesbian. I was very anxious at first but it started to calm down. I’m only 15 and I have a boyfriend I love. At least I think I do, I always chose to question everything and over analyze. I found out about hocd and it described everything I was feeling. I’d take test and read articles like “am I lesbian” but I have never fantasied a girl or wanted to be with a girl sexually or romantically. But what if I’m in denial? I do think girls are physically attractive but I never crushed on a girl. I have always crushed on boys. And liked being with them. I’m just so lost. My anxiety about it had calmed down. But the question is still there sometimes. Earlier today, I found a girl pretty and I got scared thinking that meant something. Then I read about women who have married men, but they know they’re lesbian. I’m scared that that’ll Happen to me. I don’t want to be lesbian. No disrespect. But I just want to be happy. I think I’ve suffered from ocd before. Tell me anyone if I’m wrong. But I used to have thoughts of that my boyfriend would murder me in the future because of theses videos that triggered me. It caused me so much pain and felt so real. That I eventually started to think I’d murder my mom and sister for no reason. I felt so helpless. But I got through it. I hope I get through this. Please any advice? Is this hocd?? Does anyone else feel this way?
Okay so I have been struggling with HOCD for so fucking long. I never felt like I had crushes on boys growing up but I wasn’t attracted to girls either (this was through 5th grade). Until 6th grade hit. I remember it like it was yesterday. I had the thought walking up the stairs and it was “You’re lesbian.” And ever since that thought was there and I fought it I have been dealing with all types of OCD ever since (been going on for 7 years). And only this year I found it was OCD. But it’s hard because I don’t know if I’m actually gay or I convinced myself I’m gay because I gave up and gave in. Now whenever I see I pretty girl I feel tingling. And I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t a lesbian so I look up pretty pictures of girls with their boobs out and I loved it. And I wanna make out with a girl so intensely. But then at the same I don’t wanna be in a relationship with a girl and I wanna marry a guy and I just desperately wanted to be like by a guy. But I get so horny whenever girls are in bikinis and stuff. But I have OCD and I’m so confused.
I’m so exhausted. Been having HOCD since May & had it once before when I was 15 - both times began as me genuinely thinking I was questioning my sexuality, then it became obsessive and that’s when I landed on HOCD. It was more like HOCD that actually questioning. But I will say I do find women attractive, and have always watched lesbian porn & in my mind I guess I do find women’s body’s somewhat sexually attractive. This being said - I have always had boyfriends, always fell for boys and not once have I ever been genuinely interested in a girl or fallen for one. I’m 20 too, so it’s not like i’m only 14. In very open about sexuality and accept everything and everyone, so the idea of being lesbian or bi isn’t alien to me. Some of my friends are gay and lesbian . Earlier this summer I even started coming out to people as maybe being bi, and i was almost pushing that label onto myself to try and accept myself - but it still didn’t feel right and I am still unsure and uncertain. Just want some advice - is this similar to other people’s stories ? Not looking for reassurance, just genuinely wondering wether it is HOCD or maybe I am just abit gay hahaha (which would be okay, just doesn’t really feel right)
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