- Date posted
- 6y ago
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I go through that once in a while, atleast my fiancee is very understading, I tell him when I have these type of thoughts and he guides me through it. It's important to remember it doesn't matter whether it's thoughts about you hurting others or others hurting you, in the end it's just a thought. I also thought maybe there's something terribly wrong with me because most of my thoughts is about someone doing something to me etc... I don't think it's paranoia, maybe just a random thought and we latch on because the thought scares us and we can only control ourselves unfortunatly, so it's a bit scarier to think of people doing something wrong to us.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Thank you so much for your response. My ocd started very differently and only ended up this way in the past six months (since I got married actually). I search for other people who worry abiut there hurting them but find very little information on it. It's very scary and though I have a very understanding husband, I really wish I want bringing this into our first year of marriage. Thank you for your words. Do you have any advice for letting go of thoughts like this?? I'm having trouble getting over them.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Mine the same, had severy anxiety and stress for about 3 months and my brain broke haha after I had a health scare (which was obviously only in my mind ?) that was last year June/July. Man I was so scared, I feel for you girl. Ocd tend to hit you where it hurts you the most... I had such bizzare thoughts regarding my fiancee (then my boyfriend) poor guy haha well hun, I know it's a tough one, the thing I did that really helped me was I said to myself I will believe it (whatever thought I had) when I see it happening and I did some mindfulness and meditation for the anxiety. It's strange that they don't mention people having thoughts of something being done unto them, it's always the other way around... remember anxiety can get you to think very weird thoughts, learn to manage the anxiety and the thoughts will slowly taper down.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
... I also have nightmares about him leaving me and cheating on me... those are just as bad. Unfortunatly like I said we can only control ourselves the rest is up to faith, trust & hope oh nad honesty :)
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Melony sucks to feel like this.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I get the same feelings! Every time we're around other guys I think she's checking them out and prefers them over me and will cheat on me.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@j289l I get super jealous, like insanely jealous haha atleast my partner understands, I basically told him it's not always lack of trust it's my ocd aswell. I would wake up at night crying my eyes out after a nightmare I had that he will leave me or that he cheats on me)
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Melony I hope this blows over for you, always remember to have an open mind and not expect the worst.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Dalisay thank you! It’s definitely difficult. I haven’t really talked to my current girlfriend about these kinds of thoughts yet, but she’s very sweet and understanding.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Melony that's super important. Well we don't always have to share every thought, if I did that my fiancee would have to listen to me constantly haha but sometimes it helps to get things out.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
@Dalisay it sounds like you have a great fiancé! My girlfriend and I talk about our feelings a lot lol it’s definitely helpful
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Sorry about the spelling haha I type too quickly.
- Date posted
- 6y ago
Because we have to live with the uncertainty that we don't know what's going on in other people's heads. What worked for me was to say I'll believe this or that thought when I see it happen in reality
- Date posted
- 6y ago
I have thoughts of an old friends with benefits finding me and hurting me for leaving her... she never hurt me but she was an angry person. Part of it is my guilt for leaving.
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- 24w ago
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- Date posted
- 19w ago
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