- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Hey, I’m sorry you’re in this place and you’re evidently feeling defeated. Look, I’m not sure who you’re going to, but an OCD therapist should be able to understand your feelings, and try and consider whether you’re articulating your feelings in a clear way. Write a list of the things you’re dealing with in a way that truly reflects how you feel, and make sure it is understandable so that if someone read it, they’d be able to get how you feel. Sometimes when you’re very low with a theme, it can be difficult to do this. You are not better off dead, you have OCD, like the rest of us. If you say you’re better off dead, then all of us are better off dead, and I’m sure you don’t believe that. So please hold on, there is always hope with OCD. You’ve just not gotten there yet, like many of us, but there is still time. You’re nothing but potential for healing.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I completely agree with E. You are not better offf dead. You will get through this and you will find a therapist who is compassionate and that will help you.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Have you not found a therapist here? If pocd it now one of the most common themes....
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Nope they all suck. They have no idea what’s wrong with me. I don’t have pocd I have soocd and I’m just pure ocd to where random thoughts give me anxiety just because..
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 But the common denomination is ocd. Subject could be anyting that will work against you...
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Anonymous Well they don’t understand me.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You’ve been complaining for months that they aren’t giving you the diagnosis right? Or was that someone else? So why not look elsewhere. These therapist are great people and have helped so many so be careful not to bash them. If they aren’t understanding you why aren’t they? What are you saying? Are you trying to change your answers to the evaluation? How many therapists have you seen on here? Do they let you just keep coming back for another therapist to do the evaluation? What did they say to you that you don’t understand?
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Idk why they aren’t understanding me. I have no reason to lie. I tell the truth on what I feel and hear when I’m seeing people. When I went to them they refused to do any erp with me. They refused to see for themselves what I’m obsessing about and so I stopped seeing them. I’m not just going to keep talking about my problems and not do nothing about them. They didn’t want to go through pictures with me. They didn’t want to do any sort of erp practices with me. They wanted me on an antipsychotic but I refused cuz there just isn’t anything psychotic with me. I wanted them to treat the ocd first and then see about a psychotic disorder first but they wanted to do the opposite and I refused simple as that. They have no reason to believe I have some psychotic disorder other than having ocd. They weren’t giving me a descriptive reason on what my psychotic disorder was or is. So of course I’m going to bash therapist’s for being halfed assed with me. I can tell when I’m being bullshitted and not getting the help I need.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 Doesn’t sound like you have seen an ocd specialist on this app bc the app is made to do erp but I do know my first therapist on here said they would want you to treat the biggest mental illness first so if something else is effecting more than the ocd per the evaluation then they would ask that that’s treated first otherwise the Ocd treatment wouldn’t work. But the therapist I have had on here said the only thing they were allowed to do and talk about was erp and ocd until all 12 sessions are done so I’m not sure who you spoke to or if you actually get diagnosed and started the therapy. And I’m not sure what a psychotic is but I’m sure they wouldn’t lie to you. The reason we do the questions is for a diagnosis but maybe get a second opinion on the psychotic because you don’t want to ignore mental illnesses.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 And most of the erp is done on your own. It’s on this app so you can do it on your own time because it’s something you have to do constantly
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Justmesadly But I barely just met the therapist on here and she didn’t do any erp with me at all. I even specifically not mention what has been prompted of maybe have some sort of psychosis for the therapist to not even think about a psychotic disorder but of course my previous therapist was in the ears of the NOCD therapists and she kept dodging any erp with me. Like how do I have a psychotic disorder? What I feel sensations when someone looks at me? I feel that people are purposely making me think of sexual thoughts in purpose? (Which is true) I specifically left that out from the NOCD therapist but yet wanted to bring it up and say she thinks there might be a psychotic disorder? Yeah I figured out real quick my previous therapist was getting involved so it pissed me off. I’m not stupid. She’s going way overboard. It’s almost as if my previous therapist wants me to have a psychotic episode by prompting huge triggers to break me or something. Idk if it’s to get anxiety or to make me go crazy enough to be admitted into a fuckin hospital for crazy people. Of course I’m going to go crazy cuz of my ocd being to hard to handle at times anyone would go crazy when the trigger is too fuckin much to deal with. Like if I wanted to be an asshole I could go after her legally because she is going beyond her therapist license would allow her to do if she was my therapist and that’s probably why she’s refused to answer my emails cuz she’s basically going rogue with my situation and everything she is doing is illegal of what her license is allowed a therapist to do. I make mental notes of all my situations to connect the dots. I can tell when I’m being triggered by people in purpose and not in purpose. If she doesn’t think I know everything trust me I know more of what she’s doing then she would like me to believe cuz I make mental notes all the time. I could probably go through every trigger she’s tried to do to me. They have no idea how hyper aware of every situation I’m in. Should I be no but unfortunately I am.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 Well I can guarantee no one is trying to purposely trigger you. And yes with nocd it takes multiple sessions to get into the erp so if you’re not willing to work then there’s nothing they can do about that. But if you’re so angry you can just text the number you signed up with and they can help you out. But if you aren’t even trying they probably won’t do much for you
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 And not mentioning things that have to do with pyschotic disorder is the same thing as lying. But I’m sure they could read that per your responses. And a previous therapist would not be able to contact your therapist to give information...
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Justmesadly You can’t guarantee no one is or isn’t triggering me in purpose. I have a hyper awareness of when someone is looking at me so trust me I can tell when my anxiety level raises so suddenly out of nowhere. I was willing to work. I welcome ERP. Expose me to my fear so I can get over it. It’s not my fault they didn’t want to do exposures with me to see for themselves the anxiety and thoughts I’m having to see what my ocd is.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 I belive you do have some other condition first which needs to be addressed. I'm abit upset as I only joined yesterday and your negative post was the first I read.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Issac11 They don’t need to do exposures to see what your ocd is about, they do the evaluation to see what it’s about. Having hyper awareness if someone is looking at you seems completely unrelated to thinking these therapists are out to get you. If you’re welcome to erp why aren’t you doing it? Why are you stopping going to therapy? You can do erp on the app 3 times a day by yourself if you actually want to get better. Just by talking to you I can tell you for sure have another condition which needs to be address as well, I agree with anonymous.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Anonymous Don’t be upset ! The therapist on here are incredible and have so much success! I already did my 12 weeks and it made a world of a difference but I also did my homework and want to get better so I worked to do that! If you can afford therapy I challenge you to use the erp tool and the others on the app and watch the videos they have on YouTube because they are sooo helpful!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
@Anonymous My post shouldn’t have been the first you read if you joined yesterday cuz this post was made early yesterday morning and you barely commented on it 9 hrs ago. You would’ve had to scroll down a lot to get to this post just saying.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
And you’re never better off dead! If you have depression please seek help! Your life is so worth living and not having a diagnosis for a mental illness doesn’t change your worth
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- Date posted
- 22w ago
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- Date posted
- 21w ago
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- Date posted
- 20w ago
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