- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You’re not pathetic I understand my family says just let the thoughts come and go but it’s so hard they don’t get it :/
- Date posted
- 3y ago
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Sounds just like me! I sometimes spend hours ruminating about things I really wish I wasn’t. And it’s very exhausting and time consuming. I just started my therapy with nocd. I believe in it so far. I encourage you to get help if you haven’t already. It also helps to get out of that room you ruminate in. Go outside and get away from that place for a while. You are not pathetic. You have a problem that all of us on here struggle with. You are not alone. Don’t punish yourself of blame yourself for something that’s not your fault. I’m starting to learn that as weak as we feel during this controlling thoughts, we actually do have the strength to control it! But I know that therapy now is the only way.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
It is so misunderstood. My mother apologized to me one day and said "Was there something I should have done? Or was there something I shouldn't have done?" I said "Mom, no. We just did not know about it. We did not know. But you helped me get to the right doctor and now we know and things are better! Maybe let a professional explain to your mom about OCD and how to help. It may give her a sense of being to help you and understanding. The best to you and your Mom!
- Date posted
- 3y ago
You are not pathetic. OCD is not a choice, its an illness. Its not your fault anymore than it would be your fault if you got cancer or was a diabetic. People who don't have OCD don't know what its like. So called "normal" people CAN push intrusive thoughts away and move on. But for someone with OCD its much more complicated. And it can be so incredibly hard to explain to someone who doesn't have OCD. It can be so frustrating. But all of us on this platform DO understand. I'm 45. I started having intrusive thoughts at about age 8. I have had OCD for most of my life and never knew it until about 2 weeks ago. Got an official diagnosis last week.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
,it is nice to see someone how know what is like to have intrusive thoughts,I didn’t go to therapy..thanks to share your experience with me.and one of the hardest thing is that no one else know what is like to have intrusive thoughts, so they start to judge you. And it’s make things harder.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Sorry to hear about your situation. Other people just don't understand what OCD truly is and how hard it can be. But please know that you're not pathetic and that there's a community here who does understand and is here for you.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Yea most family members react this way because they don’t understand. Can they maybe attend a session with you so they can learn how to support you? Or can you tel them what helps?
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- Date posted
- 16w ago
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- Date posted
- 12w ago
I’m having a very bad evening with my intrusive thoughts. I was doing really good dealing with them but tonight one hit me hard. I’ve been having a lot of different intrusive thoughts but I’ll have one occasionally about hurting my mom or my dog who I love and they’re the only family I have in my life. They’re my world. I was helping my mom put away the dishes and I had the big kitchen knife in my hand and my intrusive thought was you could stab your mom. And then my brain said I had a twitch in my hand and that meant I wanted to do it. Let me just say that I wouldn’t hurt a fly. I actually caught a fly in a glass and put it outside instead of killing it this evening before this intrusive thought happened. I’m such a gentle and compassionate and caring person and these thoughts instantly cause me to have a panic attack. And I have no one to talk to them about. I know they’re hard for my mom to hear and I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am. I do desperately want to tell her and have her reassure me that I’m not crazy or a psycho. Then my thoughts wander to if your hand did flinch could you be a psychopath. Is hurting someone in you. I know it’s not but I feel like my mind is out to get me and hurt me. I’m working so hard and I thought I was doing so good but I need to know why I have these thoughts. They’re not ok. I need someone to help me make sense of why. I know we aren’t supposed to ruminate but I shouldn’t have thoughts like this about people I love and care about the most in the world.
- Date posted
- 11w ago
Guys I need help. I feel so alone . Basically I have this compulsion where I feel the need to write everything but this stems from me being anxious about EVERYTHING. Like my mom came in my room and I was irritated and snapped, immediately regretted now I keep writing “don’t be mean to mom next time” but I keep thinking about it. Then I think about how I finally left my house today and all the surfaces I touched that could’ve been contaminated and now I’m writing “next time don’t touch this and this”. Then I think about all the things I need to be doing for this week and I’m writing “don’t forget to do this and this” even though I’ve written it 5 times already. This is what happens everyday btw. My brain always thinks about something I need to be doing and making me anxious that I’ll forget it which is why I write it down on my notes app. I’m sooo mentally exhausted I need help pls!! Anyone have any advice ? I used to think I need to stop the writing but really I need to stop the anxious thoughts coming into my head . People say I need to accept the thoughts and let it go but that’s too hard for me
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