- Date posted
- 3y ago
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I was just reading an article about taking back your power from fear. This is a quote from that article I really like - “Years ago, I truly thought others held the power to my happiness, a belief system that was born out of fear.” Sometimes I can feel triggered by others’ emotions or can feel alone if I don’t have my supports physically around me. But we have to come to realize that we do have the power to be our own safety and security. Of course having supports is important, but you CAN do this! One step at a time. Luckily there are things you can do to prepare for living alone if you choose to do so, like coming up with safety plans or figuring out coping skills to use when you’re alone. Hey, living alone can be kind of nice sometimes too! You can take a nap whenever you want for however long you want, watch your own shows, and eat what you want. It isn’t all so bad. Especially if your support system is there for you outside of your home! Hope this helps.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Thank you so much. I'm just scared about the future.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
Im 22 and live with my parents too man, and it makes me feel extremely guilty that im unable to do anything productive anymore and support them back.
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I’m 19 and don’t have a job, I know I’m in school and my mom says that’s enough, but I feel terrible, because I want to go out and do things, but need to ask for permission and money. It feels awful, I try my best to keep the house clean and help her with whatever, but I feel awful for it. I can’t get a job without social security and need to wait for a work permit, but I hate feeling like a burden, I just want to help her financially and any way I can. I totally understand where you’re coming from, I’ve avoided watching movies and all that for the same reason, to avoid anything that may trigger my OCD themes, it’s incredibly difficult
- Date posted
- 3y ago
I'm 27, living with my parents (cause with depression and eating disorders, it's not possible for me to live alone for the moment) and I can understand this feeling of guilt. OCD makes things worse but I try my best not to judge myself. After all, I've never asked to suffer from these diseases and I try my best to recover from all of that. It's extremely exhausting and painful so, I try to be respectful towards me. Also, I think it's important not to compare yourself to others who don't live with their parents, maybe have a job... Because we all have different roads and we don't experience the same thing. Be kind to yourself. You are a warrior by fighting your demons in your head aka OCD. And about the fact of living without your parents in the future, I can get that fear. It's totally understandable and valid to feel this. Take your time, think about all the little steps you do every day. Prioritize your health (mental, physical and spiritual). We never know what can happen in the future (even if OCD can sometimes try to make us feel otherwise) so, even if it's extremely easy to say it : don't focus your mind on the future because it makes you forget the present (I sometimes worry about the future too, so I get you. My comment isn't a judgment about you.) 🙏🏻 I do hope things will get better for you. Take care. 💚
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- Date posted
- 16w ago
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- Date posted
- 13w ago
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- Date posted
- 8w ago
I’m turning 30 in a few months and all I can think about how my Parents never took the initiative to actually help me when it came to my mental illness. Now my OCD is probably the worst it’s ever been and I feel like I can’t do anything. Like I’m trapped in a tunnel and there’s no way out. I’ve gone from job to job, never fully finished my degree due to severe OCD/depression never making enough money for professional help and being gaslighted all these years about my illness. I resent my family and myself for not trying hard enough to get better. If anyone can relate feel free to share. Anyways I pray this year will be the year I find my out.
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