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- GM1
- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 2y ago
OCD has been hard today but I’m getting through it. How do you all get through tough days? Or do y’all have words of encouragement?
OCD has been hard today but I’m getting through it. How do you all get through tough days? Or do y’all have words of encouragement?
Ruminating is the worst. Don't dwell on what's happening. Let the thoughts come and go and give them no more concern than you would someone passing you on the street.
@CatDad Thank you, your advice always lifts me up
It’s hard to catch myself before I fall into a ruminating spiral. I don’t always succeed. But I try to just take a deep breath, and acknowledge I’m having a hard time. Avoiding delving into the thoughts and just telling myself “ugh the OCD really has a leg out for me today, huh? This sucks.” It kinda external uses me from the content of the thought a bit, and lets me pivot more easily to something else.
@LeggoMyMeggo Externalizes* thanks autocorrect
I love this! Thank you for sharing. I deal with harm of other and myself ocd and in general immorality ocd. One day I feel more easily to get passed the thoughts and other days it’s really hard. I am kinda new to realizing that I deal with this and I’m trying to accept it. But I feel like sometimes the harder I try the harder it is to accept it. Anyways I am back on medication to treat it. In the past I’ve been on Zoloft but now I’m on Cymbalta. Fingers crossed it will help. Anyone want to share heir experiences with medication?
@Addy@2019 I was on Zoloft for a while and it helped but then I got off of it and that’s when the OCD kind of got hard again. Oh and now I’m on prozac here’s hoping it will help!
@Addy@2019 Also a big thank you to all who have posted underneath my post, reading yalls post helps me feel less alone and that I can get through it
On the hard days I go to the 3 things that always help me. Maybe these can help you? 1. Breathe. 2. “I’m available to my feeling of anxiety.” 3. "I'm sorry this is hard right now. I love you, self."
I'm on Zoloft now and it seems to help reduce the loudness of intrusive thoughts. I hope it keeps helping!
I’m really just over it today. It’s my first bad day in a long time. Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. How do you get through the bad days?
Hi all!! It's been a while since I've been on here and I just want to say everybody can do this. When I was diagnosed with ocd and specifically so-ocd I thought oh lord I'm lying to myself and my sexuality. No! I've always been straight and will be!! Anyway, what I have learned is to let thought be a thought (that is harder than it seems). But if you try to not force the thought and let it leave when you want and show the thoughts that you are unbothered things will become easier. But today I have the realization that I no longer have the urge to figure it out because I do know who I am and that these thoughts are not of me. I no longer feel like I am lying to myself and I feel more and more like my old self. Anyway, if you have read all the way here just know you got this I'm proud and I feel myself beating ocd every day. You will have your down days and that's ok just get back up and keep moving forward. Love you all❤️
(I’m not sure if this has anything triggering but just in case—know that I bring up my OCD but not what it is specifically so I think it’s fine? ) Just really struggling right now and was wondering if anyone had any words of advice or encouragement? I’ve had OCD my entire life but it didn’t start becoming severe until I was around 14/15. It reached the point of extreme where going anywhere or socializing at all caused embarrassment because I had NO idea how to control compulsions and had no idea that’s what they were in the first place. I would also get lost in intrusive thoughts and physically couldn’t communicate. Fast forward and I was isolated throughout the years important to my development. Didn’t go to school, didn’t go to any social events, didn’t get a job (and then 2020 came along and I literally couldn’t.) and just stayed in my room letting my OCD consume me. It was really bad in 2022 and destroyed a very important relationship I had and set me back once again, it hit me extremely strong and a few months later I was once again just -stuck- these were years I was supposed to get ready for college but I couldn’t, and now this year I’m turning 20 and I have nothing to show for it. I’m still stuck and at this point I just feel like there’s no hope for me. The only job I can muster up anything for is creative writing but I feel like such a failure. I’m in such a dark place and I just can’t convince myself it’ll get better. Any words of encouragement would be nice because I just don’t know what to do.
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