In my own journey, I've been helped by staying in the present. When I have a flare up, which almost always involves a "what if" in some manifestation or another, I do two things: 1. I accept uncertainty-maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. By doing so, it takes away OCD's power to make me ruminate ad nauseum, seeking absolute certainty that I'm not some way, or something won't happen, etc. 2. I stay in the present. What am I doing NOW? Here's an example...since I suffer from harm OCD i have intrusive harm thoughts. If i have a thought I'll do something like "I accept the uncertainty that I would ever do it, because I don't know the future, and neither do you, OCD, but I'm not doing it now, I'm not planning to do it, and I have a choice." Then, if I accept having to sit in discomfort for awhile until the flare up passes. It always does. Over time, these tools have helped me to live a fairly tranquil life. One other thing, I try to always look at the big picture, which is it's all OCD. That's it. It's not a reflection on my character, or some deep, dark Freudian issue, etc., it's just OCD. Malware in my brain, but treatable. That's it. Period. Hope this helps you.