- Username
- brynnybat2004
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Does OCD try to gaslight you?
Cause i feel like mine does.
Cause i feel like mine does.
Yes I agree it does. It is the doubting disease and loves to attach to the things that are most important to us. Try to keep in mind OCD presents a non-balanced and one-sided picture. Recovery is possible; be kind and patient with yourself. Are you in therapy with a trained OCD therapist or NOCD? If you are not in treatment for your OCD, you may want to consider reaching out to the NOCD care team for a free 15 minute consultation about treatment options; please see the link below; https://www.treatmyocd.com/calendar?src=homepage&_gl=1*dpgbx1*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE2MzY2NTk5MTQuQ2p3S0NBaUFtN09NQmhBUUVpd0FydkdpM0QwaEhYczN1Q0ZabWhVRUF4RndaaDJoa3AxbTRnek9TRWQweUJ4U3pqeU1SRU9FNGVwZkFSb0NNY0VRQXZEX0J3RQ
Explain please ?
@Vee123 “Liar” and just stuff basically going against logic
@brynnybat2004 I feel like this has been happening to me and I’m tired of it ugh
@Vee123 No fr
Hey, yeah it sure does ! It creates endless doubt. It’s nick name is the doubting disorder and that’s exactly what it does ! OCD is ego-dystonic, meaning it creates thoughts, impulses, behaviours that are distressing and go against our self-concept. It’s learning to accept the uncertainty, this is when you gain control and OCD looses it! you can do this, your strong ! ill attach some great links for you to have a read over. OCD journey stories to recovery- https://www.treatmyocd.com/my-ocd-journey What is OCD https://www.treatmyocd.com/education/what-is-ocd-meaning-symptoms-and-how-ocd-works What is ERP https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/what-is-exposure-and-response-prevention-therapy
YEAH! all the time
This theme always feels like I am in denial and that I am somehow using OCD as an excuse. Especially, when I get intrusive thoughts and I don't feel any anxiety.
My ocd makes me question everything. I don’t get it. what makes it want to attach to certain things? I don’t obsess over wether or not I like blue because it’s true I do like blue but other things like that, things that should be so simple for me to know is true ocd tries to take and make me second guess it. Even if I know for a logical fact that this thing is true or isn’t true. OCD will work so hard to try and convince me I’m wrongand even though I know I’m not wrong it eventually works and ends up convincing me I’m wrong and I spiral. Is this just part of the pattern how do I learn not to argue with my ocd cause that’s the problem. I try to test my ocd and argue with it but for every answer I have it has an answer to combat mine until it has me convinced I’m wrong about what I 100% know I’m not wrong about. It never stops even with things I thought I settled it like it has unlimited ways to prove to me that I’m wrong. It’s insane it makes me feel crazy. Sometimes I don’t even realize im performing a compulsion or I’m arguing with my ocd or testing it until it’s too late. It’s sneaky like that. Is this just a normal part of the cycle of OCD?
Sometimes when I ruminate or try to disprove my themes (I know I shouldn’t do it but sometimes it’s to overwhelming and I can’t help it I’ve been getting better with it though) it feels like I’m arguing with another person, like there’s another person living in my head and they try to disprove everything I do, it’s usually a different voice from my own but when it’s really fucking with me it’s my own voice and it’s irritating, it just feels like another person lives in my head like there a bad influence and tell me to do all this shit and it’s horrible, I know it’s ocd but it just feels like another person in my head who’s constantly against me and everything I believe and when I argue I get literally no where it pulls shit out of its ass and says the most absurd shit and it makes me feel horrible, just wanted to know if anyone else’s ocd feels like it comes in the form of another person that’s living in your head?
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