- User type
- OCD Conqueror
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Was curious to hear what recovery looks like for some of you? If you’re doing better or if you would consider yourself “recovered” whatever that looks like lol
Was curious to hear what recovery looks like for some of you? If you’re doing better or if you would consider yourself “recovered” whatever that looks like lol
I’ve been recovered for 4 years now and I still have intrusive thoughts and images but it’s not a big deal. So, it never becomes an obsession and I don’t do any compulsions.
@Nica Oh my gosh, the goal!!! Congratulations!!
I would consider myself “in recovery”… not recovered because OCD doesn’t ever go away. But let me tell you… it gets better IF you do the work… IF you resist the compulsions… IF you do ERP. The best thing I did for myself (besides all of those things I just mentioned) is educate myself. Oh, and got the best therapist who specializes in OCD. Hang in there! :)
I believe, the recovery means that we no longer do the compulsions. We also realize and understand that we have no control over when the thoughts pop so that we let go of the struggle and be free from it. When they pop, they no longer have any effect on you or maybe when it does trigger you, you do not engage with it as much as you did before. For me, I still have to urge to ruminate and every time I do not give in, I win and I feel better a lot these days. :) And you try to divert your focus to something worthwhile, things you enjoy and or maybe has a benefit for others. Hoping all the best for your recovery. You can make it through that road.
And to add, we can't get rid of the intrusive thoughts. They just do appear but they don't have to affect us anymore as much as before. We also have no control over these obsessions. We try to carry on with our day. Thoughts are just thoughts. They do not define us.
Since 2019 I've met with 7 different therapists and slowly made more and more progress as I found therapists who better suited my needs. I was just paired with a therapist who does both PTSD work and OCD, so I'm feeling confident about the future!
Recovery looks different for everyone. I’ve been in recovery for a year and it’s been up and down but the downs are not nearly as bad as they used to I’m able to recognize them and push myself to do the work I need to to help myself get back on track. My advice to anyone in recovery or seeking it is just to be compassionate your will can take you a long way especially if your kind to it And that having a down period does not mean your back to square one You’ve got this
Im in recovery right now but yeah as you know doesn’t dissapear but we learn to live with it. Im still struggling with different themes that come up as new but im more conscious about myself and can stop compulsions and just do ERP when im having ocd attacks and sitting with it even if is hard
Hey guys, I hope you’re well! My names Matt, and OCD has struck me again 😂 When I was 10 years old I had to attend therapy as I was having excessive intrusive thoughts. P.s. I didn’t even know this was possible at the age of 10! I then completely forgot about it, until 2.5 years ago when I started experiencing ROCD. I really couldn’t understand why I was feeling/thinking this way however, I soon after remembered my struggles as a child and then realised my OCD had returned. Also, my mum has serious OCD so I guess that could be why too. I had a a really hard battle with my emotions and mood due to this however, the last 1.5 years had been really good and I managed it well. I got married and had the best day of my life. 3 months ago, a thought about having an affair in my head appeared, and BOOM, it’s back again. I’m struggling a lot right now however, I’ve accepted that this could be a re occurring theme throughout my life, and it’s time to learn to deal with it again. I’m back on medication and have started ERP therapy, so hopefully it’s on the up from here. I’m not here to list off my triggers and thoughts as this would be me seeking reassurance however, I’m here to show that recovery is certainly possible!
If you suffer from taboo themes, and deal with groinal responses… Do you feel they have disappeared? Do you still notice them? For myself, they have become so engrained/automatic , so while i do not get “anxious” by them anymore i still can clock them & it can feel discouraging … What are your experiences?
Those of you who have overcome at least a bit, if not all, of your OCD. When you went through the CBT and ERP, did it feel like the end of the world? And how did you face the fact that your fears and uncertainties might actually come to life?
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