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- Lade
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Ocd question
What's the ocd who is hard to live with it
What's the ocd who is hard to live with it
It honestly depends on the individual. Each person has been through different life experiences, therefore, certain types of OCD can affect someone in difference levels. I must say, OCD in general is very hard to live with. For me, any type of sexual OCD mixed with real events OCD torments me so much. But to another individual, HOCD is their absolute torment. No matter what OCD you have, just keep going and don’t let this mental illness limit you from having a peaceful life!
I think whatever theme you’re currently stuck with you will judge as the worst to live with. I’ve had so many themes over the years and I always think ‘this is the worse yet’ but when you’re in the midst of ocd you feel that the theme you’re experiencing is the worst one and cannot be tamed. I don’t think it does us any favours comparing which is hard to live with. The theme you’ve got now has stuck for a reason because of your core values or uncertainity around a certain thing. So for you to be living with whatever subtype at the moment you’re doing a amazing job! Keep persevering 👍🏼
IVE been thru hocd,soocd,pocd,and zocd. Pocd and zocd are my current ones, by far I’d say zocd and pocd just because I don’t get to enjoy certain things like how I used too. But this is just me, it’s different for everyone. But it also does depend, maybe I feel these are the worst ones because those are the two I’m currently struggling with?
for my experience with soocd , zocd , hocd, Harm OCD , the first who I ever get the fear of my life is suicidal ocd guys ........you will ask yourself dumb question I'm I suicidal F
Sometimes when I ruminate or try to disprove my themes (I know I shouldn’t do it but sometimes it’s to overwhelming and I can’t help it I’ve been getting better with it though) it feels like I’m arguing with another person, like there’s another person living in my head and they try to disprove everything I do, it’s usually a different voice from my own but when it’s really fucking with me it’s my own voice and it’s irritating, it just feels like another person lives in my head like there a bad influence and tell me to do all this shit and it’s horrible, I know it’s ocd but it just feels like another person in my head who’s constantly against me and everything I believe and when I argue I get literally no where it pulls shit out of its ass and says the most absurd shit and it makes me feel horrible, just wanted to know if anyone else’s ocd feels like it comes in the form of another person that’s living in your head?
Having a really rough night tonight. Currently I'm having a lot of contamination obsessions and compulsions with using the bathroom and when I use it I usually end up spending at least an hour and a half including all the cleaning rituals and showering afterwards and I just started seeing a new therapist to help with this. Tonight it unfortunately hit me in the middle of the night at like starting at 1 am and finishing close to 3 am. This ended up making both my mom and dad really angry with me and this is not a new situation. For context, my dad doesn't believe in mental illnesses at all and my mother is better and much more understanding, but still doesn't believe it's real to an extent. With my mom being more supportive than my dad, it leads to arguments between them a lot especially ever since they brought me home (I recently graduated college and my OCD got to the point where I was unable to have a job or function normally in taking care of myself by living alone). My mom tends to lash out at me when she gets stressed about these arguments with my dad over me because she can't talk back to him and that in turn usually causes me to spiral and get worse and so the cycle continues. This recent time my dad started yelling at me from downstairs because I was flushing the toilet too much for his liking and my mom said some hurtful things to me. I understand that it's not easy living with me especially right now and I can see why they're upset but I really am trying to get better but I can't just get better overnight and automatically be able to control all my compulsions, especially with the severity they're at right now. I'm not really sure how to navigate my family situation like this with a lack of a support network or someone in my family who believes that what I'm going through with OCD is real and it's not just me choosing to do these things. Has anyone else experienced a similar home situation and have any tips on getting through it?
So I've had OCD since I was a child. Like really young. The first intrusive thought I can remember was when I was 5. It just keeps getting worse and lately they've been making me physically ill or throwing me into extreme panic attacks again ( ones where I can't move my body ) the other night I thought God was trying to kill me because I was thinking about ending myself from OCD+ life issues but in reality I was just having a panic attack😭😭it affects me daily. It gets a little better with therapy but I don't see therapy coming into my life any time soon and I'm not even sure if I would want to go (for multiple reasons). To wrap this up if you have severe ocd can you tell me what it's like?? I don't want to label anything without proper research and hearing others perspectives. Thank you!! <3 (My profile says all of my subtypes if that helps any)
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