- Date posted
- 1y ago
Post about venting
I do not know what to do anymore. I spiralled again down with my OCD theme and I cannot get out. It is the fear of being bisexual. I am so low at the moment that I have become so hopeless and weary that I cannot discern reality from my thoughts. When I get intrusive thoughts it feels real and the worst part is that I am not even confident anymore that this are intrusive thoughts. I am constantly repeating “I am straight/heterosexual.“ but I always get a certain feeling of tightness inside my chest that I cannot explain. I got with the past theme of HOCD but I did not pay any attention to it. But now it feels too real and my fear that I might be in denial is huge. OCD has put so much pressure on me that I now truly believe that I know something about my sexuality and I do not want to acknowledge it. My thoughts scream at me ”Lies, liar, you know!, I know I am in denial“ and then there is this feeling that makes me feel bisexual. The worst part is that my depression increases my anguish. I also get a lot of false attraction. I always knew I liked the opposite gender and I always had crushes on them. I had even crushes on fictional characters. But my thoughts invalidate this fact. They make me anxiously thinking if I had also crushes or feelings for the same sex and it distorts my past. I almost forgot who I am and for what I fought for. I fought for being heterosexual, for gaining it back and then defending it. Now it feels like fighting for a cause that I do not want to fight for. It feels like something is forcing me to think these things, to view everything in this light and to doubt everything. I am thinking about this theme every minute of my life. I am ruminating a lot and searching all the websites for answers. I am also looking for the difference between denial and HOCD. I used to have a lot of insight into my condition. Now I have nothing. I feel numb. The thought of being with the same sex repulses me and it always did since I have suffered from HOCD. I never had any desires to be with them. I developed even some tics like showing fear, disgust or anger towards my thoughts or clenching my fists. This theme makes me feel that I have discovered something and HOCD was something that has not existed.