- Date posted
- 1y ago
I’m tired.
My HOCD is so intense today. Started remembering things in my past that OCD tries to use as evidence to prove it’s real. I just finished crying and repeatedly saying I don’t want to be gay. I know it’s a compulsion but nothing helps right now when I freak out. I feel so afraid of what I might become. I’m tired of this. I’m tired of questioning everything. Every time I step outside my house I always mentally review every conversation I have with every man and I deepen my voice or try to appear more masculine because I’m so afraid of giving off the wrong impression. I’m so scared to even be on social media in the fear that I might appear gay to someone. I just feel I cannot breathe without worrying or questioning myself. I don’t want to be gay ever, I want a wife and children and It feels like no matter what I watch on TV, or play any type of game, there’s always something that triggers me. Sorry for the rant, It’s a bad day. If anyone can just let me know i’m not alone, that would be nice