- Date posted
- 1y ago
Someone help
when i was younger i had symptoms of pshyopaths and now im scared that im one does anyone know if i had those symptoms does that mean im one im scared?
when i was younger i had symptoms of pshyopaths and now im scared that im one does anyone know if i had those symptoms does that mean im one im scared?
Don’t take my word for it, but I’m pretty certain psychopaths are incapable of being scared of being a psychopath. If you genuinely feel no remorse taking an animal’s life or inflicting pain, then you might have something to be concerned about, but those can be confusing criteria, and being apathetic can be caused by extreme trauma and mental illness, which does not condemn you, it just means you need help. Idk what ‘symptoms’ you refer to, but plenty of kids bully, even people I know who are now the kindest and most giving souls, used to enjoy hunting for sport and only reflected and felt guilt later in life. And choose to change and be kind. You are not a forgone conclusion, you get to choose what and who you care about, and if you choose to care and do the right thing, psychopathy is not something you need concern yourself with ever again.
@Lost- thanks so much you dont understand how better you made me feel ❤️❤️
@denidom I’m very glad I could help
From what I’ve read if your worried about being a psychopath then your probably not, they don’t worry about being one they just are I think. Seeking some help and talking to a professional about it could be a good option. I know OCD is a doubting disorder and can make you feel as if you are one or make you worry that you could be, just have to ignore ocd’s crappy ways.
@Mitch4 Thanks so much ❤️
Yup, I’ve heard the same thing - psychopaths don’t care if they’re a psychopath, because that’s the nature of it. So if you’re worried that you’re a psychopath, that’s a pretty good indicator that you’re not one!
I have this fear of being a psychopath or sociopath. All my life i was able to feel normal emotions like joy, sadness, guilt etc up until now where i suddenly gained this new fear of being a psychopath because i felt emotionally detached from my partner lately and i now feel like i emotionally shut down and like im on autopilot mode. Its like i cant feel anything right now, and to test myself i think of situations in my head that are bad (like someone getting hit by a car) to see if i feel any empathy and it scares me that i sometimes dont. I keep doing this over and over and i cant feel anything, im so scared of being evil or something. It triggers me when i see negative things on social media because im scared i don’t feel anything or not care about it at all. I never thought id be saying this but i WANT to feel sad or upset just so i know im not crazy.
Hi Im a 15 year old girl and about a month ago i started having these toughts about harming myself and other people. It was verry draining for me so thats why me and my friends stayed toghether for a week and have fun. Now i started having it again and i cant help but think im a pysochapth. Today I started breaking down and i dont know what to do. Are these the since of OCD or is something really wrong with me? Please help.
i have such a fear of psychosis and schizophrenia, so i’m scared that i’m going to develop it and lose control over my OCD thoughts. If im very tired and my eyes get heavy i get so scared that im going to go crazy or that i have one or the other. and if i have a panic attack im convinced im going to develop it. does anyone have any tips on how to work though this? i saw a thing online that said people with these dont know the have it and that scared me into thinking i have it and dont know.
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