- Date posted
- 1y ago
- Date posted
- 1y ago
Trying not to think about it will make your thoughts worse. Try understanding that those are thoughts that arent you and moving on. Ik its easier said than done but you are not your thoughts! Those are mental compulsions when you try to find a solution. Instead just try to acknowledge those thoughts and ideas and brush it off bc they aren’t really you. Proof that you arent like that is how you get uncomfy when they arise. Good luck!
- Date posted
- 1y ago
I agree and believe the reason they come up in the first place is because they are ideas that you are against and don’t want any part of. Thoughts that I would obsess over were ones that were exactly who I wouldn’t want to be or actions I would never want to do but I think that’s the point. You obsess over the worst things you could think of until you feel like you’re gross and crazy for them coming in your head in the first place. Just try to not obsess over it and acknowledge it’s a passing thought and not something you want to do and that it’s ok for the thought to pass by and it has nothing to do with who you are.
- Date posted
- 1y ago
The same thing happens to me all the time dude , it’s so irritating . When I was new to this subtype I genuinely told myself “if I’m a pedo i’m going to kill myself” . But I’m too scared to die but i’m also so tired of dealing with this
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@sayso same lol then i remind myself how many other subtypes i’ve had and it’s actually just ocd but pocd feels most real to me
- Date posted
- 1y ago
@ocdishorrible.x. Do you perhaps struggle with POCD attraction? , like you feel like you genuinely find little kids sexually attractive . Because It’s annoying dude
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 25w ago
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- Date posted
- 19w ago
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