- Date posted
- 1y ago
OCD causes
curious—does OCD have to be something you are just born with or are there underlying causes which could either cause or worsen your case??
curious—does OCD have to be something you are just born with or are there underlying causes which could either cause or worsen your case??
I’m not sure if there’s any definitive research backing the origin of OCD itself, but I imagine that the ways our brains are structured play a factor into it. Similar to how depression can be a cause of neurological differences in the brain (a difficulty to produce happy chemicals), I think anxiety, OCD, and many other mental illnesses follow that same pattern. A propensity to misread threats and a difficulty in regulating mood. Environmental factors absolutely come into play, however. I was emotionally neglected for most of my life and raised to always be distrustful. It absolutely contributed to my OCD. My partner thinks that my upbringing is what CAUSED my OCD! Not quite sure on that, however, since I started experiencing symptoms at as young of an age as I can remember.
There is pandas, a weird name for developing OCD after having a strep infection. I have heard of head trama and genetics too. Bottom line erp can retrain your brain to recognize these thoughts and anxiety from these intrusive thoughts as false alarms that can be dismissed.
My psychiatrist told me it's biological and environmental. The book freedom from obsessive compulsive disorder by Jonathan Grayson tells you all. And it really give you a good understanding of erp.
Hello! I'm new here and new to OCD. My therapist suggested I might have OCD due to my tendency to ruminate endlessly on doubts and fears. These thoughts are indeed intrusive and I can't seem to stop them. The thing I'm kind of stuck on is that I can't see where the compulsions come in. Unless the thoughts themselves are compulsions. Can anyone relate to this?
Just to preface this, I’d like to say that I in no way whatsoever intend to judge parents of ocd children or people with ocd that have children. I honestly mean no disrespect with this post, I just really don’t know what to think or do. I wish the best for all of your families, and for all of you struggling with ocd as well. Please don’t let my post influence how you think, all I need is advice if anyone can give me it. Feel free to skip if this is an uncomfortable topic for you. Thank you! I’ve had ocd since I was young, but I hadn’t started thinking about this until recently. I heard that you have a 15-20% chance of passing ocd down to your child. I used to be really uncomfortable at the thought of being pregnant and often had intrusive thoughts trying to convince me I somehow was. I finally got past this and began to look forward to being a mother someday, but now I don’t know. I can’t imagine not having kids, but I’m scared that they’ll have ocd like me. It’s not a crazy high percentage but it still scares me. On one hand I’m like hey, who better to help their kid if they have ocd than a mom who has ocd? But on the other I worry that if they have it, it could worse than mine and that they’ll have a really hard time dealing with it. I hate to say this but it feels a little bit selfish to want to have kids when there’s a chance they’ll get the same disorder I hate so much. Both me and my sister have ocd as well, so I’m scared it’s something that runs in my family. Any advice would be appreciated.
Trying not to seek reassurance, but rather connect the dots on my OCD and possible reasons as to why I am the way I am. I have severe OCD (or at least I hope I do) mainly surrounding POCD. I've had symptoms of OCD the majority of my life but this theme has come up more recently. When I was a kid, and i'm talking 6-7, I was first exposed to some really gross adult content online. It was introduced to me by a friend of mine around the same age of me. I saw some really disgusting things that a 6-7 year old should definitely not see. This was not a one time occurrence, as I had been exposed to taboo topics online years to come after that, such as the same friend introducing me to Omegle... And i'm sure you can imagine how that went, theres a lot of genuinely disgusting human beings on there. Coming back to the reason for making this post; is it possible to early exposure to this content could be one of the reasons I struggle with POCD? It genuinely scares me to death because you hear that real p*dos dealt with simular situations when they were kids, so thats kind of making me feel that this could be more than OCD, and I could be a genuinely bad person. My POCD feels so real, that at times i'm fully convinced its not OCD. Sometimes I can't even distinguish the feelings of attraction between a younger person and an older person, except for the feeling of anxiety and fear. Its really hard to explain without going into detail, but it just feels so real. Some feedback on this would be great, thank you all.
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